**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Don’t fuck with my; flo.

Some of those demands seem to be a tad over the top.


Seems like a pretty good idea to negotiate a reasonable settlement?

Person writing this sounds like a total fool

“The precursor of this, as first reported by Bloomberg News, was the school refusing to reopen even while most other public and private schools in New York did. (This despite the lack of any scientific evidence suggesting schools were significant vectors for COVID 19.)”

Sounds like Dalton was smarter than basically the entire nation. His parenthetical comment is ignorant.

“What you may not know is that Dalton has long been one of the most progressive schools in the country. They have actively encouraged the sort of thinking that is now biting them in the ass.”

Definitely sounds like a well adjusted individual

Author is definitely a douche but the demands appear real

Can you believe that this terrorists Cuomo wants to pay the servants more and close down indoor dining during a pandemic? Hopefully this is enough to never see this guys blog linked in this forum again



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I prefer too many periods over soft period/semicolons. Go ahead with sentence fragments. Also like slashes and dashes.

Who needs proofreaders

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(This despite the lack of any scientific evidence suggesting schools were significant vectors for COVID 19.)

Well, at this point I know the author is an idiot.

So, I lease a car (2018 BMW 325i) and have to make a decision. My lease is up in 1 month. I’ve driven 10k miles over the three years of the lease. I’m fine with the car, it’s a 2018 in good shape, but it has a ding on the front bumper corner (hit side of narrow garage when parking), maybe $800 to repair? The bluebook value at 10k miles says $23k. The residual contract value I would have to pay if I bought it off lease is 23.8k. Do I:

  1. buy the car for $23.8k. It’s a solid car with low miles.
  2. turn it in and lease a newer model–this will likely involve like $4k in fees and, say, $349/mo, but there’s probably some incentives, though mostly for a more expensive car than I need.
  3. turn in the leased car and get a different make? I don’t drive much.

The 325i is the “cheap” BMW (sticker like $34k), but they don’t make them any more I don’t think. I like BMWs and toured the factory in Munich, so it’s my preferred make.

I think we have a separate thread for these personal finance questions. Anyway, leasing in generally for donks, but there are some exceptions. Of course if you fall into one of those, you’re probably never consider buying the car.

10K miles in 3 years is nothing. You should seriously just ditch the car and uber everywhere. Maybe get a rental for longer trips.

I realize this was likely extremely unhelpful.

I’ve kind of considered this, but I’m in So. Cal. and kinda need a car. I could make do with Uber, but it’d be pain. Would likely ditch it if I were in NY.

I don’t know. What I’ve made in payments is about what the car has lost in residual value. Like, if I bought my car used, I’d pay about what it’s worth.

Note, car loan calculator says 5 year loan for $24k would be about $430/mo. Lease would be, say, $350, plus fees. End result would that that I’d probably own a 2018 with 35k miles in 2026 (worth like $8k?), so probably financially smarter than another lease. Would pay 430-350 x 60 = $4800 more over 5 years owning instead of leasing, but I’d end up with a car.

Not having a car in SoCal is like not owning a winter coat in NYC. You could probably pull it off, but your quality of life goes way down.

There are places like downtown and Venice you could probably get by. But most neighborhoods are too spread out. Personally I’d be constantly renting a car to go up into the mountains or deserts.

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Yup, and I don’t often go to court or drive around clients, but I sometimes do, and I do costco runs and occasionally move things. And I’m hoping to be going out A LOT more in 2021 than 2020.

Yeah even if I lived in a city there is no way I could get by without a car.

I did it in SF for a few years and I did occasionally rent a car to get out and do things. But then I got a job outside the city and had to get a car.

One of the reasons I left SF. I like to have a little more elbow room.

Lack of needing a car does make a huge expense difference though that people forget to factor in when looking at NYC or SF rents vs. LA.

Google maps puts my mom’s house as 26 minutes away by car in 1 hour and 29 minutes away by public transportation.

There are exceptions. If you get an exceptionally good deal, you can make the numbers work.

Here’s an extreme example: