**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

biden can just tweak the program. make it about destroying confederate heritage, and erasing wasp culture

“mission” is fine, can keep that. maybe reinforce it and add like “BIGGER mission”

guardians, idk, there’s literally nothing to guard against out there. i think we should go full on, call it “guardians of the galaxy” and if our pitiful fuckin zero space bases or space force shuttles meets an ET cause they like find us and come to us, we can say, “we are the guardians of the galaxy! what is your business here?”


“space force” as a name is so dumb steve carrell made a spoof comedy mocking the idea of it and didn’t have to change the name to anything punny



GOP: The only doctors who deserve respect are medical doctors.

Medical doctors : Wear a mask and wash your hands

GOP: No.


Would score some big points from me if he did. Not expecting it to happen though. And in a short time Trump’s Heritage Guardians will be as sacrosanct as Bush’s Homeland Security.

Any civilisation capable of interstellar travel would be so advanced compared to us that not very much would make sense.

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Don’t even get me started on him and his followers! Utter racist crap top to bottom.

Not sure what you’re talking about. Some of my best friends are Martians. But the fact is that when Mars send their little green men they’re not sending their best.


best writing advice: don’t use semicolons. there’s essentially no sentence that is improved with their use.



It was bad advice when Vonnegut said it; it’s still bad advice today. The key is to know your audience. If your audience doesn’t know how to use a semicolon then they also don’t know how to read them. So, yeah, avoid them in that context.


this photographer …



That semicolon actually works. Basically when you have two sentences but one kind of leads to the other and breaking them up with a period seems too abrupt.

This. Just make two sentences.

I’m just pissed that I don’t get one of those cool cdc cards for my vaccination. Lame. Would have made a good souvenir.

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Lol at Dr KKK

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Right. A semicolon is “soft” period. We talk with semicolons, so it’s very weird to refuse to write with them.

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That’s what I do when I write, but when I’m speaking, it’s really a semicolon that’s in there. So, I can’t really get rustled if someone chooses to write it that way.

Edit: My pony got tripped up by a semicolon.

You mean always? There are definitely certain times when a period is better.

This is wild.

There is no way FB is making shit tons of ad revenue from this.

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