**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

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Only if he clauses themselves have their own commas. You can see how this avoids confusion.


Perhaps unsurprising but I never seriously call anyone doctor. Iā€™m not sure I ever have in my whole life.

Thatā€™s the best and easiest to understand explanation Iā€™ve ever heard.

Yeah that makes sense. I actually use a single dash a lot when I want to separate clauses. It just looks better to me from doing 200k forum posts.


The big question from the overlander forums was whether or not to get a ā€œhelperā€ - a local who wants something like $10 to help you navigate all the various windows, aduanas, forms, stamps and any other required bureaucratic foofery.

I try to keep it to no more than two single dashes per sentence. I donā€™t care if itā€™s correct - it looks right to me.

I hate doubledash, probably because of Microsoft wasting so many of my programming hours with those and curly quotes. I still use them every now and then. Above might be a good case for one. I figure Iā€™ll work that out on the 2nd and 3rd drafts.

Just get a copy of Strunk and White if youā€™re actually worried about any of this.


Yeah I wasnā€™t suggesting one here. I was just talking in general about my non-standard use of single dash.

superfluous or just wrong?

My preferred method:

three things that will come to mind when he sees the Mercedes-Benz Superdome this weekend are:

  • His first college game there
  • Winning the National Championship with LSU
  • Winning a high school championship at the dome

But Iā€™m guessing that Twitter doesnā€™t have that functionality, so whatever makes it clear is fine with me.



Iā€™d argue itā€™s just plain wrong but I was being conciliatory.

I think punctuation is generally over-used, often by people who like to be seen as being grammar-aware.

What did you call your pediatrician when you were a kid?

What did you call your kidsā€™ pediatrician when you were a parent?

These are both super standard ā€œDoctorā€ situations. Not right or wrong. Itā€™s just what people do.

i avoid calling them anything partly because I donā€™t want to call them doctor. Iā€™ve probably referred to someone as doctor whatever to get connected to them on the phone.

Seems like a weird rule to adhere to so strictly. I wouldnā€™t have guess calling someone that would cause someone such distaste.

I saw NYT trending and I assumed it was more Maggie Haberman bullshit, but instead itā€™s because the animals in Australia are even creepier than we previously knew:


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Tasmanian devil feeding frenzy.

I wouldnā€™t call it a rule. Iā€™ve just never liked titles. Iā€™ve been in court and never said ā€œyour honorā€ either. I donā€™t even call people ā€œsirā€ unless itā€™s like part of friendly chatting.

Also itā€™s really easy to essentially never address people like ā€œhello Dr. Jones!ā€



Is this only when they whirl around like a tornado, or can they glow while standing still as well?

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