**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

If the lotto winnings were big enough, I’d probably lower the rent for most of my tenants.


Yes. I basically played a few months in HS.

Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t simply dropped out of that world, but I think it was a good thing for me in the long run. Until this thread, my tenuous connection has been listening to the Thinking Poker podcast and keeping track of what Mike Zarren (who I doubt remembers me) has been doing as Celtics GM.

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I don’t think this is true, at least in terms of your ranking.

I think it goes

  1. being nice and really good at your job
  2. being a political sociopath
  3. being nice
  4. being really good at your job.
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In academia, 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1


Agree academia is its own bizarre world. I don’t miss it at all.

Since I’ve been dragging the forum down lately with my stupidity, maybe this will help lighten things up:


lol - my household just hit 75% of our Comcast data cap with two weeks to go in the month.

Two weeks over Xmas when you whole family will be online 24/7!

Clearly the reason for blowing through data is that we are all home all the time, doing Zoom classes, Zoom meetings, streaming, etc (a bunch of game downloads lately hasn’t helped). I thought to myself that things might slow down when the kids are out of school starting this afternoon, but then I realized what you just mentioned. Now they will basically be non-stop video chatting with friends, streaming, and gaming. Which is fine - I just think I’m going to have to pay the extra $30 for unlimited data.


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It greatly depends on the project who is the dancing monkey in that scenario.

the WSJ oped guy who wrote the “kiddo” thing is 100% pure shitbag, but… why do we even allow medical doctors to insist that people address them as “Doctor”? Fuck those snowflakes.


The medical profession was a fake grift for like 3000 years. (Bleeding seems to have been the universal treatment.) It’s only been anything real for, at best, 250 years and really more like 100. Hell, a good number of med. schools still pay homage to fake medical theories (osteopathic medicine). As an educational credential, I’ll take a PhD over an MD just about any day. That said, modern medicine is a difficult and complex system and it’s a tough job, but if Ronnie Jackson can become WH doctor and Ben Carson a surgeon at Jons Hopkins, it ain’t that difficult to get the credential.

At least law has a must pass test that like only 60-70% of people (in CA) pass.

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I’m semi-colon is technically correct in the last sentence here. But does it feel awkward to anyone else? I just never like they way they look for some reason.

If none of the items in the list have a comma, using semicolons is totally unnecessary.


I’d consider this ‘not that kind of list’ if you get me. A comma after the first item is fine and you don’t even need that after the second.

The colon is superfluous too.

I’m not criticizing the author’s punctuation. I’m polling to see what people think - if that’s actually how one should write a sentence with multiple clauses.

It comes up a lot in the book I’m writing. I never know when to use a semi-colon. I think a semi colon is technically correct if you’re separating clauses? But it never looks right.

Congrats, you’ve done more editing already than Mason did on any of the 2+2 books.