**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

WIthin the law and grounded in truth.

“Within the law” is very irritating to me, but I do respect “without hurting anyone”. “Grounded in truth” is good.

In my obsession with walking LA - I’ve basically become a USPS letter carrier the last few months. Surprisingly the body adjusts. My feet are never sore any more. But my back is still a bit tweaky.


What is truth?

There’s a mass shooting thread to resurrect, right?

This thread?

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This is very much the story of the last 100 years, in the United States, particularly.

I would pay to own this on the blockchain. Best meme ever.


Lol democrats, let’s play the if the GOP game.


For sure.

Not sure anyone has actually reckoned with even what TV and movies have done to us. Like not just on the Fox News dimension but in terms of how much it suppressed other activities and how much it instructs us on our behaviour. I quite often look at people in relationships and feel like they’re playing out what they’ve seen on TV and that is not surprising. We’ve all had orders of magnitude more relationships modelled to us on TV, in terms of seeing the intimate inner workings of them, than any of us have had in real life.


You say that but I don’t see much in your posting besides magical thinking about how all of humanities problems are caused by capitalism. Capitalism is just another dumb ism with strengths and weaknesses like the rest. It’s obviously been perverted and corrupted towards the interests of the powerful, much like the systems that came before them and the system that will inevitably come after this one collapses.

There’s also an awful lot of magical thinking about your opponents, the very wealthy (I know it’s not the upper middle class because come on dude we’re both card carrying dues paying members and nobody has told you any more than they’ve told me conspiracy wise) are some unified bloc instead of just being a group of humans selected mostly at random and given huge amounts of power.

I don’t want to hear you tell me about how awful capitalism sucks. I know it sucks. I grinded my way up through it and finally made it to a pitifully tiny ledge that I’m now sheltering in… and contrary to every meme on the internet about how the second you start paying grownup taxes you turn into a Republican the experience of climbing up that treacherous economic slope (as a cis gendered caucasian male no less) was profoundly radicalizing. I know I got lucky. Very lucky.

So I don’t need a speech about how bad capitalism is. If the above personal experience wasn’t enough my degree’s in econ. Which brings me to the problem. There are some very fundamental things that you have to account for when you’re modeling the society you want to build.

I need to know exactly how the monopoly on violence is going to work. If you haven’t answered this question, very specifically, you haven’t even turned in a viable option.


I think it’s impossible to over-estimate the impact shows like Friends and Seinfeld have had on the social behavior of young adults. And stuff like Leave to Beaver a few generations before them.

Sex is one of the few parts of life where we still have no idea how to behave. It’s one of the few times you get open communication that hasn’t been colored by a Hollywood writer’s idea of how a certain class of people should act. Cheesy love scenes in R-rated movies and stuff like Sex and the City definitely don’t count.

As someone who has essentially never used Facebook dealing with a lot of you people who have.


And fuck if COVID hasn’t amplified this. We’ve all been streaming TV for the past year.

Deja Vu. I’m not posting the Rojava post again.

Ok, nvm, I will.

Lots of free porn in the internet age for young people to model their sexual behavior on. The incels have some weird ideas about what women should be open to doing.

Uh, that’s what’s happened under our current system.

Well porn is ubiquitous now and I think definitely affecting people’s behaviour in sex. I can’t remember who it was, but I remember reading someone say years ago that pillow talk was the only honest communication left, because it doesn’t get modelled in media. Like perhaps in arthouse films, but in mass media you get plenty of sex scenes, then it’s either cut to morning or it’s some tongue-in-cheek cigarette smoking scene. The quote stuck with me because what he said got me thinking about how often people are just playing out stories or being performative in their intimate relationships.

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