I’d really like to see you lay these thoughts out. Your drive-by comments and trolls make me feel it is very unlikely you would get that deep in a convo though.
The people you call extremists aren’t far off from FDR’s politics. INSANITY!
I’d really like to see you lay these thoughts out. Your drive-by comments and trolls make me feel it is very unlikely you would get that deep in a convo though.
The people you call extremists aren’t far off from FDR’s politics. INSANITY!
I think you said you are into economics somewhere itt. I don’t remember one economics related post on 2+2 ever from you. I miss several weeks sometimes when busy but cmon. You aren’t fooling anyone.
Fuck off deplorable.
Oh the irony… it hurts.
LOL… It’s just amazing how many centrists who lean a little right show up on Internet message boards to argue for far-right positions, or to argue against the prevailing left-wing position while claiming to support a less left-wing position that they’ve never actually voted for.
Would it shake your world up a bit to learn that Ronald Reagan was not center-right?
A carbon tax in a cap and trade plan is a right-wing solution to climate change. The fact that it’s considered serious to call it a left-wing solution in America shows how far right the Overton Window is on some issues.
Prove that minimum wage causes unemployment, I’ll wait. It could if it went high enough, but we’re nowhere near that.
If the goal is to reduce gun violence against random innocents, then it makes a lot of sense. Assault weapons and mass shootings account for a huge percentage of gun violence against random innocents.
So what? She’s one of the 15-20 most powerful people in Congress right now. If we started a thread about Mitch McConnell, it wouldn’t mean we supported him. Now obviously most of us like AOC, but your argument there was weak and I wanted to point it out.
That’s a ridiculous take.
If you want to play the game of picking select quotes from the past to see how smart or dumb we can make politicians look, Bernie is going to do pretty good in that game. Should we see what he had to say about our wars in Iraq before they started?
No, he definitely would not.
Fuck that. Let’s do muskets.
I am pro-muskets. Let’s replace all rifles with muskets and that’ll do some good.
Stand in front of a mirror and say that out loud.
FDR did a lot good and a lot bad with the economy.
Good: getting country off gold standard, deposit insurance, creating SEC and financial rules for banks
Terrible: Wage and price supports which caused the second half of the Depression, Tariffs, tax hikes in a depression
The Depression was initially caused by pursuing a deflationary monetary policy which made servicing debt impossible which led to a spiral of bank failures and more bankruptcies. Cutting the link to gold helped inflate away debt and immediately reduce unemployment. But then he made a series of supply side errors like artificially propping up prices and wages which led to unemployment. Price controls don’t work. Didn’t work for Nixon, Carter, Chile, Venezuela or FDR.
FDR got reelected with 17% unemployment. And just prior to WWII it was still 14%. The New Deal programs like the NIRA were a disaster. This book by the a serious, respected, non-ideologue economist, whose life’s work is the depression goes through FDR’s economic policies and shows what their effects (good and bad) are. https://www.amazon.com/Midas-Paradox-Financial-Government-Depression/dp/1598131508/ref=sr_1_1?keyw
So much of FDR’s agenda was ridiculous and way out of today’s mainstream economics. Keynes was even a sharp critic of FDR’s New Deal.
"That is my first reflection–that N.I.R.A., which is essentially Reform and probably impedes Recovery, has been put across too hastily, in the false guise of being part of the technique of Recovery. . . .
“I do not mean to impugn the social justice and social expediency of the redistribution of incomes aimed at by N.I.R.A. and by the various schemes for agricultural restriction. The latter, in particular, I should strongly support in principle. But too much emphasis on the remedial value of a higher price-level as an object in itself may lead to serious misapprehension as to the part which prices can play in the technique of recovery. The stimulation of output by increasing aggregate purchasing power is the right way to get prices up; and not the other way round.” Keynes
fucking gold standard argument? hahahahah
So you don’t think the gold standard contributed to the Great Depression? Actual experts in the Depression like Ben Bernanke and the guy I linked to disagree,
I don’t know the data about minimum wage and teen employment. It seems quite possible that raising it would increase teen unemployment, but that question may well have empirical support or not. Pretty obviously it would at some levels, but pretty much no one advocates for infinity minimum wage.
If banning assault weapons only affects mass shootings, that’s enough to consider banning assault weapons.
I’m neither a hardliner about banning guns or minimum wage, but refuting the stupid arguments that 2A fanatics come up with isn’t generally hard.
From Keynes letter to FDR:
"It is an even more foolish application of the same ideas to believe that there is a
mathematical relation between the price of gold and the prices of other things. "
I said specifically unemployment in teenagers. Not much debate there.
But here is a link to make it look like I did some further research.
They’ve literally both worked in the USA this century. NPC, your link doesn’t even make sense. The only “Study” is saying that raising the minimum wage (to nowhere near $15) a decade ago impacted teens working. But, there are actual places that have implemented a $15 minimum wage since! In those places the unemployment of every single group did not go up!
“On the other hand, to declare at an early date that we bound our currency-unit irrevocably with gold was certainly rash. We should not be returning to the pre-war system.”
You guys see how they start shifting the argument when they start losing ground? Look where we ended up from “a few dozen people getting shot down in cold blood is negligible” and “deer rifles have the same killing potential as AR’s.”
It’s what they do. It’s the idiot troll’s tactic, don’t fall for it.
Okay? I am pretty certain Keynes agrees with me on cutting the link to gold was a good thing and for the same reasons.
John Maynard Keynes, citing deflationary dangers, argued against resumption of the gold standard
So, I did misread that. My bad. I’ve dealt with too many gold bugs lately. Which of the bad things is AOC promoting?
I have no idea why you posting this. I agree with Keynes and have said so in every post from the start. It was literally the first thing I said FDR did right.
I wonder how many millions of people suffer from moderate to severe anxiety about going to concerts, festivals, schools, and now apparently Wal Mart because of the possibility of being murdered by some RWNJ with a small penis and an AR15?
I was visiting Dallas during the shooting a few years ago. My hotel was literally directly next to the lockdown area where the standoff with the gunman took place. There’s a lot of places I go and feel like shit the whole time because of the soft target-ness of it.
I don’t know how else to say this, but people don’t need semi automatic high capacity rifles that are capable of murdering dozens of people in seconds. Ban them all. Buy them back. Doing nothing is insanity.