I agree but keep in mind that the reason we want to limit magazine capacity and reload speed is to reduce the effective rate of fire.
Clowns like npc are so bad for our national discourse and Overton Window. We rightfully call him a troll, radical, etc and he calls us radical leftists and it all washes out and the Overton Window is centered half way between us and him.
Since we’re not radical, and he is, it centers way right of center.
Yeah, he’s just some jackass arguing on a small Internet forum, but this is how thousands of debates play out across the country.
[quote=“Npc90192, post:32, topic:148, full:true”]
I don’t own a gun.
Though it is amazing the totalitarian mindset from poker players who likely screamed about the government banning poker. Banning guns, banning even the ability to buy private insurance, banning billionaires, banning hate speech, banning home schooling, etc are all okay because wise planner to favor moving towards
So answer my question ammosexual. It’s post #52.
But you don’t give a shit. So fuck off with your gaslighting asshole.
I own guns but you can still favor moving towards smart technology/real ass vetting/and think that the NRA is full of cowardly old geezers and still believe a person should be able have a gun in their home, but maybe that’s the Acist in me.
Someone should ask Neil how those 250 suicides in the past 48 hours occurred.
The solution is obvious. Be more radical to move the Overton window leftward.
We are in a situation where our broken government seems to be an impediment to a solution. Perhaps, radical leftists need to look for pro-active non-government solutions. I don’t know what those actions would be, but I know that John Brown was a hero.
Well, I didnt know NDT was a total piece of shit. Guess it makes sense when I think about how much he’s grifted pop science.
If any of those things occured at just 2 places within that time period I suspect it would be taking up the same amount of news.
The 2002 Beltway snipers killing 10 over 3 weeks was a big story for some reason or other.
You can’t when the 2A is viewed as uncompromisingly as it is by the NRA and its supporters. There is literally no room for compromise with them, which means we may as well shoot for the fucking moon and go after everything. Maybe if that is seen as a serious threat they will start allowing common sense gun laws that are made to be enforced and not to be loopholed because they were written by people who don’t now what a lower receiver is…
Some supporters of abortion rights are uncompromising and oppose any restriction. Perhaps that provides a model and we should treat the gun nuts in the same way that the pro-life movement treats abortionists.
About the same view. Ive owned a gun my whole life and think you should be able to but it is about time for far more strict laws and i would not blame anyone who wants to melt them all at this point.
My views essentially fall center-right. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan are my two favorite modern presidents. I have numerous views that would qualify as left of center (gun control, carbon tax, universal health care, drug legalization as examples) whereas I would bet most people on this forum would not even concede minimum wage laws cause unemployment in teenagers, something that is beyond dispute fact. Assault weapons and mass shootings are a tiny fraction of gun deaths, something Neil deGrasse Tyson basically pointed out. It isn’t an opinion. It is a fact. Yet that fact causes insanity. Focusing on an assault weapons ban makes zero sense if the goal is to actually reduce gun violence by a meaningful amount.
And the people here are of course left wing extremists. AOC has her own thread. She is an idiot with insane views that if implemented would turn the US into a third world country. Bernie Sanders is not a remotely reasonable candidate, yet people here support him. The guy literally said this in 2011. “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who’s the banana republic now?” https://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/must-read/close-the-gaps-disparities-that-threaten-america
And if you think, your views are just right down the middle, you run Bernie. See how well that works out. Donald Trump would win more states than in 2016.
They said that about Bernie last time…
Remember how many mass shootings we had when Clinton banned the kind of weapons used today?
Npc, there literally isn’t a place in my lifetime where raising the minimum wage lead to more unemployment. Every bad faith moron raised that hell when Seattle raised theirs to $15. They were all wrong. They were wrong in many European places where it happened as well.
Bernie vs Trump wouldn’t be close either. AOC is literally smarter and more well spoken than any GOP senator or congressman of the last decade yet I can’t think of a single instance of npc calling a single one of them an idiot. We’re only a few years removed from one bringing a snowball to the floor to explicitly state climate change isn’t real because…snow exists.
One goal is to protect freedom from fear. Everyone deserves to be able to live a life where they are not scared of being gunned down by a stranger. Assault weapons don’t provide sufficient value to society to argue against banning them if doing so would make people less fearful.
Also, Ronald Reagan was an ass who deserved to get shot and didn’t deserve to live.
Thanks for demonstrating my point.
The facts aren’t debatable. Assault weapons ban as main option to reduce gun deaths and denying teen unemployment from min wage laws are useful filters to see whose opinions should immediately be pitched in the garbage.
Still waiting for an answer Npc.
My cellphone has a fingerprint scanner so only I can use it. Why don’t you gun nutters demand this technology from the manufacturers?
Just admit that you don’t give a shit and your first reaction each time there’s a mass shooting is to chuckle out loud and think about liberals getting upset.
Many people I answer (goofyballer microbet cuserounder, etc) seem somewhat smart. They just have ridiculous political views. I don’t answer you because you don’t have a fully functioning brain. You make no good points. Ever. You troll. You make up viewpoints I don’t hold. You belong in a zoo.