I am sorry I don’t spend 16 hours a day posting. When I don’t respond to these posts, it is always I am too cowardly or too afraid to take on these great arguments. I just now am seeing your post. Once, maybe twice a week is enough to check in. I only gawk here because I know of literally zero people in real life who share any perspective resembling the views on this site. Yet it is apparently common because most of the Dem candidates are espousing the crazy.
I think background checks for all gun sales even private transactions would be reasonable.
I would have voted for Bill Clinton. I voted for Gary Johnson and his running mate Bill Weld expanded gun control in Massachusetts.
I usually vote Republican and they typically don’t expand gun control. But it isn’t an issue I vote on. I don’t think it is an important issue either way.
Right, so you’ve never cast a meaningful vote for someone who supports gun control. You just go troll people on the Internet about how stupid their gun control ideas are, while claiming to support gun control despite having never voted for someone who wanted tighter gun control.
No. It is really simple. 1. We have two parties. One party is insane and I will never vote for 99% of their candidates no matter what their position on guns. 2. Dem proposals like an assault weapons ban will do nothing. I pretty much automatically zone out whenever someone says assault weapons ban and conclude they are not a a serious thinker. They are just pandering to dimwits.
Hey ammosexual, answer this question. My cellphone has a fingerprint scanner so only I can use it. Why don’t you gun nutters demand this technology from the manufacturers?
Because the kindergartener wouldn’t be able to operate the teachers gun after they’d been shot - and yet more lives that could have been saved are lost to Jesus.
I would start by registering all guns, taking guns away from anyone who doesn’t participate, prying the guns from their dead hands out necessary, data-mining the hell out of the registry, then using the results to craft new gun policies.
For anything that shoots; pistols, shotguns, rifles, you name it. The NRAzis have played their bullshit scare tactic “their taking our guns!” enough, it’s time to actually take the fucking guns and return to last centuries definition of the 2A. No one outside the military requires rapid fire weapons. They are force multipliers which simply allow too much damage to be done by single shooters to be allowed in our society.
Fortunately, assholes like NPC prevent there from being the political will required to do this. So we’ll continue to see mass shootings and continue to do nothing. Maybe when they happen daily we’ll do something about them…
He (npc) frequently doesn’t answer questions when the answer isn’t a good look for him and will duck out of threads for days when dunked on after posting nonstop prior. It’s blatant trolling.
If assault weapons are not more efficient killing machines, why does the military use all the same features?
Don’t give me stats on how quickly a lifelong shooting enthusiast can squeeze off shots with a semi automatic deer hunting rifle. Most mass shooters aren’t old guys who like to hunt deer. They’re 15-25 year olds, many have only had the guns for a few months, and they almost always choose assault rifles.
It’s easier for a novice to fire rapidly and accurately with an AR-15 than a regular hunting rifle.
I’m genuinely tired of the bad faith pro gun arguments. “Assault weapons actually aren’t more dangerous than a handgun!”
“It’s actually video games.”
“I’m for solutions, just not any of the ones you’ll propose”
I’m 30, Columbine is my first real memory of any of this topic. Nothing is new. Nothing has changed. Tens of thousands of people are senselessly dead due to cowardice and nothing more.
I have never not answered a question because I was “dunked” on.
I “duck out of threads” because posting on a forum of radical leftists is a low priority in life. It is amusing for a day or two. Arguing with economic illiterates who don’t care about data and will never concede even the most basic facts gets old. Frankly I view people like you as barely above the level of an ape.
You know the saying “if you think everyone else is an asshole, you’re probably the asshole?”
How you can think everyone else is dumb despite having the politics and intellectual curiosity of Charlie Kirk astounds me.
Calling others economically illiterate when you literally argued that poverty does not exist in the USA is genuinely ban worthy. Just not a person worth wasting breath on.