npc12345 argues that actually guns are fine

Most of the decline happened in the 90s likely because of Roe v Wade. All violent crime is down substantially not just murder. Abortion and crime: who should you believe? - Freakonomics

And before I fall into the trap of falling into an absurd argument from a position that’s presented in bad faith - handguns should be regulated too. In fact, all lethal weapons should require 3 things - a license, a background check, and a waiting period.

It’s just common fucking sense. There’s absolutely no reason to own a weapon with this much killing potential unless you are A) a SWAT officer or B) a soldier.

I hope we get to the point where we can confiscate all of your guns npc and if you don’t give them up willingly you spend the rest of your life in prison.


You bigoted fools are soooo obsessed with talking about men women and children being gunned down doing everyday things, but you are not talking about how half a million people die from cancer every year in the US. Why dont you ban cancer?? Huh??

Chessmate libtards.

goofyballer for mod!


The Number One Resource for law enforcement online" has a differing view. Why SWAT teams are served by modular sniper rifles

And I am sure the data has changed substantially since the ancient year of 2014. I linked to NYT because I felt you wouldn’t read a more centrist source.

Still havent responded to my suggestion of single shot bolt action files only. Because youre a fucking coward.

The Number One Resource for law enforcement online references a fucking quora article?

People here already have brought up bolt action or lever action rifles. jfc



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Is this really your pivot from your first blatantly dishonest position? That deer rifles and assault rifles are basically the same thing?

The two weapons linked in that hilarious (actually almost choked on my breakfast) source are the same thing.

Most big game hunting rifles are bolt/lever action. I come from a family of gun nut hunters, I know you are wrong in this. Both of the weapons in that trash piece you linked (lol quora) should be banned.

I apologize for being so cowardly. Your proposal to confiscate 100 million semi-automatic weapons is very thoughtful and practical and deserves much serious consideration. I’m sure that will happen very soon.

I don’t own a gun.

Though it is amazing the totalitarian mindset from poker players who likely screamed about the government banning poker. Banning guns, banning even the ability to buy private insurance, banning billionaires, banning hate speech, banning home schooling, etc are all okay because wise planner knows best.

Then why are you for more gun control? What “more gun control” are you for?

Most of the decline happened in the 90s likely because of Roe v Wade.

A more likely cause was the removal of lead from gasoline.

Of course it deserves serious consideration, despite your childish response. You asked for ways to fix things, I provided one, and you hand waved it away at the drop of a hat.

Because you are complicit. Because you are someone who paves the way for this kind of violence.

Can we just have an NPC and KEEEEEEED containment thread and call it a day?

Fuck off and go post on CP already.

8chan would be more appropriate

Do what tombstone and a bunch of old west cities and towns did?

And we do do all kinds of things to try and prevent this. Our police are militarized because of guns our schools have metal detectors and armed guards. Guess we need those in every big store and event now. We had increased surveillance on far right hate groups but antifa is the threat now so…

Its messed up how much some will infringe on other freedoms for semi automatic guns.

Hard not to follow the news the last few weeks. fu America.


I agree with you in principle, but I think that the mods may be acting preemptively here. If it was just going to be a few posts, it’s fine. But dudes like this are generally good for multi-hundred post derails going over arguments that have already been had a million times.

So I think it’s better to contain that here and keep the other thread open for updates on the various mass shootings as and when they happen. Or we could go the other way, just move this back and start a new thread just for the mass shooting updates and discussion of each specific incident without a ton of repetition of general arguments which have already been had many times.

npc doesn’t even argue though. Like I asked him a pretty easy question up thread a bit and he doesn’t respond. If he wants to oppose the echo chamber here in any way that actually resembles defending this position he has to do more. Dude is just trolling.

I don’t care one way or the other about whether he’s contained though.