Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT


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yeah, it’s possible to cheese it by copying the save file elsewhere and restoring it that way…but I didn’t do this…I guess because I was overconfident.

Ctrl+alt+delete. Usually the auto save hasn’t been overwritten.

White privilege.


fuckin guy called 1/3 of his stack 10bbs with q9s to a sb jam




I have temp living arrangements due to covid and don’t have room for most of my music gear here. In my old place I had an area with a half-dozen guitars, a pedal steel, amps, pedalboard, midi controllers, etc. So I decided I’d just buy one nice keyboard controller or synth and make bleep bloop computer music instead at my desk. That’ll give me a chance to build up synth and DAW chops instead of TV remote chops. Well, the market is obviously stupid right now with no gear and ratfucking parasites asking insane prices for the few busted pieces that are available. I’ve bought four different boxes at bargain prices over the past month after many hours of searching. The sellers backed out on the first 3 and the 4th is still pending.


The football (which is not the egg shaped object where white conservative racists are constantly defended by minorities who are considerably underpaid) markets have been goddamn awful since covid-19 and it is costing me a lot of money :(


I guess because I’m an easy mark for dog rescue/rehab videos, youtube recommended to me a cat with two faces rescue video, and now I can’t stop thinking about that fucking black janus cat – with the one face fighting the other to eat meow mix from the food bowl – every fifteen minutes in that ‘don’t think about your grandmother naked’ kind of way. This is worse than the three days of earworm I had after hearing Flagpole Sitta one too many times.

Hey bud, nice to see you

Can you not just get the dog?

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The part of you that wants that controller, that needs that controller, that is the old you, the former you from that former life, the part refusing to break free, to break through. Abandon him, all of him. I will show you the way.

Lol uhhh but srsly I think I was supposed to start a thread about DAWing it up, @seities and some others showed interest. External controllers are fun but I think totally entering the box is the way to gain some mastery.

German football?

fkh, kmnj.NMJK; BHMJNGVBHNMvgfhcfcgdbgvhngvbhnnjkm,dfnjk,mvdfm, k.lnfe ,mnFk


Germany had been brutal (not so much Bundesliga 1, but mostly 2nd/3rd division) but Poland/Czech Republic etc were as awful.

But not gonna go into boring detail, just rant.

I’ll still be working mostly in the box. The input devices I own (MPK, drum machines) were fine for setting up backing tracks for guitar jams but are inadequate for what I’m going for now. Just trying to score one good master controller with a quality keybed. We should have a DAW thread though.

Anyway, my rant isn’t specifically about music gear as that’s merely a special case. It’s about how online shopping has drifted so far toward virtual flea markets full of unreliable flakes and scammers. There’s a reason why reputable brands, authorized retailers, and trusted sellers are real things that existed, prevailed, and fetched premiums before the rise of fleaBay and Scamazon, but the events leading to those outcomes over time have no memory. In other words, shoppers today have only known a world where buying shit they don’t need is mostly safe and uneventful so they expect it. Thirty-somethings (and older) today weren’t getting ripped off by fly-by-night hucksters in the early 1900s–they were buying from major retailers that, despite all of their flaws, could reliably deliver genuine merchandise in new condition and provide service afterward. Now we’ve extended that trust to virtual third-party crackheads for some reason and there doesn’t seem to be any end in site. OH WOW LOW PRICES. In reality, someone saved $1 to buy counterfeit eyeliner that’s 2% rat feces by volume and they blame Clinique with the one-star Scamazon review when they break out in hives. That’s a double whammy (as Mitch Hedberg would have said).

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Was going to schedule a dentist appointment for a regular checkup only to have what I suspect to be an abscess to the right of my bottom right molar.

I only suspect it because it isn’t as painful as people claim it is. Aside from a bit of local irritation, there’s no pain. I still eat and drink without pain. It’s really more of a nuisance.

But still, I fucking hate dentists. They’re like deplorables in that I’m sure they’re great around their family and friends but total psychopaths at work. I swear every one of them is like Laurence Olivier in Marathon Man.

I’m currently on a conference call and my boss just said “exasperate the issue”.



Now it turns out it was a mute point anyway.

(No, she didn’t say that yet, but I can see it coming)

So it’s not an abscess. Normally, this would be good news until I was told that the problem was that my wisdom tooth is essentially pushing against not just my gums but also one of my molars. Now, I need to see a different oral surgeon to get a tooth pulled. I assume that at some point in the future I will also need to have the wisdom tooth pulled.

I also need some fillings replaced. Given that they’re over 20 years old, it’s not surprising.

I don’t know what the cost will be for extracting the tooth but dental isn’t as extensively covered as I thought. Government insurance covers your basic checkup and xrays but beyond that treatment costs money. My dental cleaning (converted to USD) cost $63. Seems cheap by US standards but relative to the average salary in this country, it’s fairly expensive. Sure, private insurance pastes over some cracks but that shit is extremely expensive. Gotta be loaded to want that stuff.

My wisdom teeth have been pushing against my molars for more than 30 years. If it’s causing a problem then you need to address it, but it’s not that auto-extraction that just about every dentist says it is.

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