Non-Pol Hot Takes


People who post vinyl versions on songs on YouTube are the worst. They almost all make a giant production out of getting the record started and then their turntable blows. Thanks for wasting 30 seconds of my life.

I flagged this post as inappropriate enjoy your ban.

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I feel like men with beards have to be easygoing. If I ever meet a bearded man who isn’t, I feel particularly perturbed and disturbed by this. Basically anyone with a beard who isn’t easygoing should be forced to shave their beard off. Legislation should be introduced to enforce this.


ofc you’re easygoing! we’re mates, which basically proves it.

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I was more easy going back when I had a beard.

Those were different times. All the poets they studied rules of verse, and the ladies, they rolled their eyes.

Shut the thread down, “RedZone is bad” will never be topped as a hot take.

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Cause commercial breaks every 3 minutes is better.

Honestly, I can’t watch NFL without Red Zone.

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You need to get into test cricket while the Ashes are on.


Take: like 90% of humans think they’re AMAZING at cooking and they all suck ass

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That’s not very hot at all. Like my dinner when I attempt to cook.

Tbh you could replace “cooking” with lots of stuff there. Driving. Poker. Sex.

You could replace “cooking” with almost anything. The Dunning Kreuger effect is very real. Most of the people who are actually good at stuff think they aren’t that great because they know people who are waaaay better. For instance I’m bad at poker… because I couldn’t get out of ssnl when I played for a living.

Yeah but people sleep on cooking being one of those things. Almost everyone I know thinks they’re an extremely good cook and nobody ever challenges anyone on it.

I stand alone as the single person who admittedly is mediocre at cooking

I did actually learn a lot about cooking from that other site.

My approach to cooking has been to get good at sourcing ingredients and to make very simple preparations using sort of expensive kitchen equipment. It works well and is highly time efficient.

sounds like you think you’re amazing at cooking

I’m just the worst cook ever… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I have a habit of making sure it’s definitely cooked all the way through. :grinning:

No it sounds like I think I’ve figured out how to cheat. I still very much suck at cooking, and plan to continue sucking.