Non-Pol Hot Takes

Watching the Darts finals at New year is a holiday Fav for UK folk, it’s great entertainment, alough I wish they were still allowed a few bevvies :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I don’t care how good they are, children of former pro athletes being good at sports is not impressive. I might even sign a rule saying they aren’t allowed in the pros themselves.

Gtfo Vlad Jr, Tatis Jr, Bron Jr.

I disagree. I like Steph just fine, and I’ve got zero problem with Lebron’s kid getting him some more generational privilege.

You’re right that it’s less impressive, unless they outperform their parent by a whole whole lot. That’s going to be hard for Bron’s kid.


The Black Album wasn’t that good, and was the start of their decline. The line shouldn’t be pre- and post-Black Album; it should be pre- and post-And Justice For All.

All beer tastes terrible. Convinced that over 50% of beers being drunk are not being enjoyed by the person drinking it, only participating in beerdrinking due to peer pressure.

Bars and clubs are also the nut worst place to hang out/ meet people/be. If people didn’t feel the need to participate in this society accepted ‘fun’ activity 90% of bars/clubs would be out of business.

Basically accurate.

I hardly go to bars. I spent a little time at one like a week ago because I was waiting for my 19yo daughter to finish a poetry thing down the street which I was forbidden to listen to and the bars were the only other places open. Anyway it was not run down, but divey like a small group of regular somewhat older people - mix of men and women too. The women were not unattractive if you’re old enough to think women over 40 can be attractive. Anyway, I just sat there not knowing anyone watching TV for the most part, but they all had a good time and were friendly. I could easily have made friends if I wanted to.

So, I think maybe young people bars with insanely loud music are terrible places to meet people, but old people bars are pretty good for it.

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Have a hard time treating this take as anything other than like “[Insert Thai restaurant] sucks because I don’t like Thai food”.

I will say I wanted to punch the guy in the face who made that video. He was tabbing back and forth stupidly, and only giving 5 second snippets of each one. That’s not how to do a dam A/B, but whatever.

This times ten million. Holy shit that tilted the life out of me. I’ll give terse impressions since I don’t want to write a book and was also listening on some non-monitor AKGs.

I don’t like either mix. Released version sounds unnatural to me, like scooped mids metal guitar butt rock sound and max compressed. I’ve heard that version on tons of gear too. Unreleased version goes too far the other way and is too dark and muddy, but sounds way more like Nirvana is supposed to sound. Oversimplifying it, the “optimal” is somewhere in the middle imo.

Along those lines, one album that I always think of as being really shitty is Michelle Branch’s Spirit Room. Would like to hear your opinion on that one. There are great songs on it, but it stands out in my collection as a nuclear disaster of mixing/mastering. I used to have a 7-band graphic EQ in my car, and putting that record on was like converting from automatic to standard from working the sliders.

I totally agree that the ‘best’ mix is somewhere in the middle. I think it’s just mixed wrong for the genre when I actually analyzed it. I don’t think the released version is a horrible mix by any standard, but it could easily have been a lot better. The Vig mix is borderline awful. I used a piece of gear that unveils a lot of stuff in music, and holy shit the bottom of that mix is an absolute mess. I can also tell it’s not a good mix when I could recover certain elements but not others. I got the snare and vocals to sound good, but nothing else did.

For your compression comment on the release, there’s no way that version was what was released. At that time, I don’t even think people were even hitting 0 on CDs, and if they were they weren’t pushing them at all. I don’t remember the song sounding as bad as it did in my analysis, but it’s been quite awhile since I’d listened to it. I’m listening on Genelec 8050Bs and a 7070A subwoofer, but I didn’t listen particularly loudly when doing the analysis.

Link to the Michelle Branch stuff, and I’ll check it out.

Completely disagree. Floyd’s relatives aren’t worthy of carrying his spit bucket.

Barry Bonds, Ken Griffey Jr., Manning brothers all topped their descendants.

Stephanie McMahon >>>>>>> Linda McMahon

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LMM and 6ix, I decided to go in and see what I could do with the Butch Vig version of Smells Like Teen Spirit. The results are pretty interesting, in my opinion. I’ll post in videos of the versions below with brief explanations.

This is what was available on YouTube, and is what I created everything from as a reminder for the A/B:

SLTS Vig DeMastered (comments below the video):

I feel reasonably confident of one of two things. The first is that I think this is the tone of what Vig was going for in the mix, and it’s possible, but not probable that something similar to this went to mastering (minus compression obviously). The second is if this wasn’t what tonally went to mastering, they did major roll offs of a lot of stuff in the mixing stage, as opposed to trying to get individual elements balanced and EQ’d better. The bass is messy at 60 and 30, which makes me think it’s possible a lot of the roll offs of the mix we hear in the original version of Vig’s mix are at the mix stage. This is essentially ‘De-EQ’d’ to what it would have probably sounded similar to prior to a lot of filtering. Even though it’s too much, I think there’s something very appealing about the tone of this version. This was my starting point for my mastering tests.

SLTS Vig Remaster 90s EQ Limit (comments below the video):

This is my first pass at a remaster. I’m obviously working with a 320k mp3, and am largely tied to the compression. I EQ’d this version to be what I think the edge of early 90s CD bass mastering would have allowed. The vast majority of my changes to the DeMastered version here are in trying to clean up the bass to where it wouldn’t be problematic on various devices from the era, but still carries across most of the tonal feel of the DeMastered version. The EQ I have here only has filters of 47 Hz and 92 Hz, and I’d like a different filter point specifically for what’s going on here. 47 still keeps a lot of the problematic amount of 60, and 92 rolls off too much bass, meaning I have to do a proprietary technique to return a lot of the tone. I would have preferred a filter point probably around 70 Hz for this particular version.

SLTS Vig Remaster Modern EQ Limit (comments below the video):

This is a bit more modern EQ of the bass (not caring as much how it travels to all speakers). It still plays on my MacBook Pro, so it’s probably not awful. I created an additional filter that is more in line with my 70 Hz comment above for this version.

In the two remastered versions, I think the bass is still a little messy in the choruses, but I think it largely plays. After all this work, I’m quite convinced that if something similar to the versions I created here would have been released that it still would have been a big hit on alternative radio. I also believe these are probably the closest you could have gotten at that time (sound and tone wise) to the true representation of what Cobain believed Nirvana was.

My conclusion (wrong or right) is that the Vig version we listened to is a victim of shitty mastering, and that the mix was actually in there somewhere. Unless I heard what Vig sent to the mastering engineer, I obviously can’t verify where the mistakes happened, but there is something very very good tonally that’s going on in Vig’s mix when you start to strip away the problems (and add new ones).

What do you think?

Edited To Add: I just realized that Vig is doing my delay idea in this song, after everything got uncovered. He has the guitar on the right, playing the note low, and the delay or reverb flows out of the left.


Cool, can’t get to it today, will have to be tomorrow. Are you doing those off the full tracks or did you find the multis and stems? I’ll rip Spirit Room to FLAC and host it somewhere.

No sport does the Father - Son thing more than hockey.
Makes the me think success is more often due to opportunity than skill or athleticism.

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Those are just off the version hosted by the record label, which is the first video in the post (should be highest quality version online, but still just 320k mp3). I would love to get my hands on the multi-tracks, but would be afraid to download them from who hosts any that are out there.

Sounds good about Spirit Room. I’ll probably try to pull it apart similar to this when I listen to it. Flag any particular tracks you think I should listen to/work on as examples you’d really prefer analysis of.

Seasonal take;

NFL RedZone is hot garbage slaw. I suppose it’s pretty enjoyable if your idea of football watchin’ is to cannibalize all the games in the same time slots and hire a mall kiosk wireless plan salesman to bark “DOUBLE BOX” over the feed. Bonus if he descends into strategy commentary on “taking the points” layered over the cut-but-still-slightly-audible original broadcast audio where Troy Aikman simultaneously elucidates the wisdom of taking the points. Double bonus if you have to get off the couch and move closer to your new $6,000 TV to see the fucking score because of the DOUBLE BOX layout. Triple bonus if three games have exciting endings but you see none of them because kiosk salesman is wondering out loud just what the heck is going on with this Jaguars / Colts replay decision that is taking forever.


Rhythmic gymnastics is actually pretty awesome