Non-Pol Hot Takes

I’m 56 years old, and I’m sure that this song was on one of the albums of kids’ songs we played for our young children in the 1990’s.

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Am 34. Don’t know. Then again my family didn’t get cable TV until the mid 90s.

Skittamarinkydinkydoo > Aneurysm, but it’s close.

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In range in USA#1 and know it somehow. I’ve never seen it. The adults in that video creep me out.

Hmm, I’m 48, have kids 20 and 14, and I definitely know the song through some kinda osmosis, although I remember others singing those first couple of lines more than actually hearing the song myself.

31, from the states and I’ve heard the skinnamarinkydinkydink but I have no idea where I heard it

Vegans are obnoxious. Change my mind


I don’t think that’s a hot take. The difference between vegans and vegetarians is monumental.

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Just wait

I think that obnoxious vegans are just more visible. There are probably vegans about who just quietly do their thing and don’t treat it like a cult, but you don’t notice them.


Tbh while I’m personally turned off by vocal vegans, I also believe that they absolutely have the moral high ground and I predict animal rights will be one of those things future generations look back on that we got wrong.

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I haven’t met any militant vegans in the past fifteen years, and most omnivores bring the subject up more often. I’ll side with the vegans being less obnoxious.


Just fucking lol at the people who get offended by the existence of vegans. I’ve known many vegans and vegetarians, I’ve never once met a “militant vegan.” I’ve seen lots of dickclown rednecks with People Eating Tasty Animals bumper stickers. So clever. Fuck those guys; I’ll eat ma po tofu for dinner just to piss those assholes off.


I’m pretty sure future generations will be able to eat delicious meat grown in the lab for like $2/lb, so it may be a non issue. I also think that when such meat soon starts to be commercially viable, it’s a stone cold lock that some vegans will find a reason to tell us we shouldn’t eat that either.

In general though I agree that the militant vegan is a silly stereotype that’s pretty rare IRL. Probably most of the ones that do exist are like in their first month of actually being vegan and are a coinflip to go back to eating steak within a year.

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I knew a dude who set off a bomb of some sort at a ham store, he was also straight edge. I’m not sure what kind of actual destruction it did, and I assume it wasn’t much damage, but he went to county for awhile and I never saw him afterwards. He wasn’t the only guy from the sXe hardcore scene in my old city that was that way either. They definitely exist, but aren’t prevalent.

Being annoyed by vegans is a tell.

I’m more jealous of their ability to so heavily monitor their diets than anything. Feels like a superpower from where I’m at.

Suited connectors never hit. And when they do you don’t get paid.

Don’t @ me.


Whole Foods CEO on plant-based meat boom: Good for the environment but not for your health

But Mackey, who has been a vegan for more than 20 years, isn’t sold on the health benefits of plant-based meats.

“I don’t think eating highly processed foods is healthy. I think people thrive on eating whole foods,” Mackey says. “As for health, I will not endorse that, and that is about as big of criticism that I will do in public.”

And can lose to bigger flush/straight. Good hands to bluff with tho.