‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I have been paying attention to the last few 100 posts, but are we still at:

  1. Sensible gun laws are fine, but only after…

  2. The police are “de-militarized” - a clearly quantifiable and objective target that all will agree when it’s been met. This is needed before sensible gun laws because…

  3. Home arsenals are needed defend the home against only police armed with armored vehicles and military weapons. The actual military, or a future where police are armed only with normal police weapons, are not sufficient needs for home arsenals.

Is that about right or has the conversation evolved?

I wasn’t, but I know what ACism is and how it is different than Anarchy of any of the much older and better established flavors. Anarchy as a political strand came out of socialism (Proudhon said “Every Anarchist is a Socialist, but not every Socialist is an Anarchist” and “Property is theft”) during the International Conferences where Marx was a leader of the Statists and Proudhon and Bakunin were leaders of the Anarchist Socialists.

The ACers/right-libertarians distorted some of that (“Taxation is Theft”) and they hold property rights as sacred instead of as theft from the community. They also like to steal George Orwell.

The ACist era were not discussions about Anarchy.

For the left just a placebo. If trump sends the cops to rampage they are not going to go no mr trump the left is to well armed with all their assault rifles. That you think the lefts almost nonexistent guns will stop something like that is delusion.

Ahh, you believe in the anarchist system where there are rules and not just might-makes-right, good luck with that, I’m sure it will lead to a great new forum for 22 political posters…

Yeah, like if we decide that in order to ban a community member we need to have a poll and 90%+ of people vote to ban instead of mods or admins just doing it, then that is Anarchy justice, not vigilante justice.

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Cite? For MrWookie making personal attacks please.

Sounds a lot like a jury. How do you address the problem of 15% of pollers/jurors refusing to vote yes/convict because they are fine w/ “people who assist w/ the enforcement of rules”/cops killing minorities.

It depends. How do you deal with 51% of the people being total assholes and/or idiots in a representative democracy with 50%+1 voting?

If you don’t like juries, how do you deal with terrible judges?

Do you think anything is perfect?

All these cop lovers are making it personal when literally nothing I’ve said strays very far from normal gun owner philosophy. You guys don’t like guns, gun owners, or people who think the police are out of control. Fine. You’ve made your point and lost a poster who I feel would have been a decent contributor on other issues in the process. Have fun in your newly created echo chamber you’ve got here

I didn’t ask you for an explanation… I asked for evidence.


We’re shocked, shocked I tell you, that you have no interest in posting on other issues to demonstrate your liberal chops. But we still totally believe that you’re super progressive and liberal on every issue other than guns!

You like making up positions for people eh.

No 2p2 name? Still can’t think of a reason why someone with good intentions would not just say their name.

Are you objecting to terms like “gun nuts” and referring to your views as “insanity”? Is that what you consider to be a personal attack?

Some police forces aren’t able to employ adequate numbers and have difficulty recruiting. The reasons for this are obvious, and I don’t blame cops for leaving the ranks.

After Columbine, whereat a teacher bled-out 40-feet from an exit because the rank and file weren’t equipped to deal with active-shooters and waited hours for SWAT to enter the building, procedures have naturally changed.

One of the 8 installments of that docu-series on Showtime details how it has changed. The 1st cop to arrive was some desk-jockey lieutenant. He was in radio contact with dispatchers the whole time, communicating his need for back-up in the form of 3 other officers before he entered the building to eliminate the threat in accordance with his post-Columbine active-shooter training. The 3 others arrived within a minute, and this rag-tag group of cops proceeded to kill the gunman.

These guys are heroes, ten-times the men most of us will ever be, and the cop hate is bullshit fashion, when a certain percentage of people within every population are corruptible. They are unrealistically held to some perfect standard.

To a large extent people are cowards because of cops and everyone is less safe when the responsibility for protecting our fellow humans is abdicated to about 0.3% of the population.

Some people overcome the indoctrination of always being told to leave things to the proper authorities, like the teacher who saved their classroom or the people on that flight that prevented one of the hijacked planes from killing many more people. People are like that, but they have to overcome that part where they freeze because that’s the way they’ve been conditioned.

so arm everyone and completely rewire everyone

If everyone took an interest in defending their fellow human they wouldn’t really need so many arms. You think it’d be easier to get away with robbing someone in some small village where almost no one has a gun or in Dallas or something where guns are everywhere, but people are expected to just call the police?

what are we even talking about? Good guy with a gun thwarts bad guy with a gun?

who has hacked micro’s account? lmao

I’m trying to rewire people the best I can. Unfortunately it’s just one little tiny contribution.