‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Saw another survivor tiktok. Every kid in there is contacting their parents to say goodbye. It’s so fucked up.

Teenage me with internet access would have made it a whole project to try to figure out how to get into that safe.

A massive proportion of the parents are trump and gun nuts given the state. Wonder if it changes a single mind.


People love to talk shit about kids these days but imho this current generation is way better than my generation.

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Not sure who you’re talking to but I never hear anyone talking shit about kids these days. On the contrary, people constantly (correctly) praise kids for being way better than my/your/our generation :person_shrugging:

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After Sandy Hook, no one’s mind is going to be changed. JD is getting heat, but he’s basically saying out loud what Republicans (and Democrats, honestly) have come to accept: these shootings are just going to happen and that’s the price of getting to own the guns that we’re never outlawing.


I don’t understand how you can deny making an online threat?

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It doesn’t sound like they have the actual threats, just reports of threats by 3rd parties. Otherwise you would think they would have been able to link the IDs and get to kid directly. I wonder how many of these things they look at every year that turn into nothing burgers?

kid claimed his account that made the threats was hacked and that’s why he deleted it.


My that sounds like a lot of bullshit, did they not take the computers and look at them?

kid is 13, they probably go through a lot of these and what’s the punishment if they find he did make the threats? This isn’t a murder investigation, unless they can find it quickly they go look at other things and close the file.

I will try to find it. I have stopped posting tiktok links because they don’t really work anymore and even the direct links aren’t playing if you don’t have an account. But I will look it up

What do they do to kids who make these threats? One would hope they would get them some counseling or something. At the very least perhaps it would dissuade the father from buying his 14 year old a fucking machine gun for a holiday present.

These are the links to the two survivor TikTok’s I mentioned.

(TikTok - Make Your Day)

(TikTok - Make Your Day)

They are both pretty heart wrenching and fairly long as they document their experiences.

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A father who buys a 14 year old kid a machine gun is just as fucked in the head as a kid who would use it to shoot up a school

I’m all for locking these parents the fuck up for murder


14 year old kids are really hard to shop for. What else could he have possibly done?


I can’t wait for the SCOTUS overturn of the father’s conviction whenever we get to that stage. Sorry, no history and tradition of preventing people from buying their kids assault rifles, better luck next time!


Teacher at Apalachee HS. This was gut-wrenching to read.