‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


This quote from the police chief made me shake my head:

“I’m angry at what happened today. The people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment.” Graves said.

Maybe do something to make that expectation something more than a fantasy?

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As near as I can piece it together at the moment:

  1. 5 teenagers, 15-ish, get into an altercation outside with two older guys.
  2. Teenagers seem to walk away then one of them shoots the guy through his backpack.
  3. This guy dies, unclear how much collateral damage other than one bystander teen in a Chiefs jersey shot in the leg. I assume the CPR was being done on the teens’ original target.
  4. Maybe the other older guy (who else would it be?) somehow chases the teens to the Union Station Parking garage, where 5 minutes later another gun fight ensues.
  5. Someone shoots off one of the teen’s jaws, the teens scatter, try to hide their guns in their backpacks, two of them get apprehended.

Now why three teens had AR-15 pistols in their backpacks seems weird. Like it was a hit on the guy, or they were planning to cause some kind of mayhem.

Notice the guns sticking out of the other two backpacks.

sounds pretty fucked up

Something something freedom

Anyone wanna give me the Chiefsplanet reaction to this? @suzzer99

Are they going with the usual, “Now is not the time to politicize this. It’s time to grieve (or whatever)”? Something else?

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Im pretty confident that the right hasnt been doing much of that at all in the last 8 years or so

This franchise had Jovan Belcher murder suicide himself at the practice facility. LOL thinking there will be any backlash. Freedom, bruh.

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You mean grieving? Yeah, I’d agree. But they sure like to fake it.

Unsurprisingly the thread keeps devolving into a debate on gun control, but also religion, immigration, parenting, mental health, and a bunch of other stuff. There’s a companion thread in the DC forum that is batshit insane I’m sure.

Sounds like it was two bigger guys in their 20s who were getting into it with 5 teenagers. Both sides were armed of course because America. Could have been some gang beef. One of the bigger guys was wearing all red but no Chiefs gear at all, which seems a little weird.

The older guys had pistols (as did pretty much all of the Chiefsplaneteers who went did too apparently, because you never know when you’ll need your 9mm to shoot down a stray bullet as it’s headed toward your grandson).

Ahe kids had at least 3 illegally modified AR-pistols, which really sounds like more than just showing up armed to defend yourself. So it seems likely either they were there to cause mayhem, or they were targeting someone.

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One of the things I’m totally in denial/naive about is just how many people are packing. I never give one thought day to day about it ever being a possibility of a gun being anywhere near me. Granted I live in Boston, so that’s probably more true here than usual, but even when I lived in Indiana I was like that too. Just unbelievable.


This is from the thread posted above with the videos of two guys tackling the shooter. Posted after trying to get the Chiefs to give the two good Samaritans lifetime tickets. It’s ok to try to turn a profit on it, but how dare you try to politicize it. That would be selfish and disrespectful!


Sounds like a well regulated militia


Bird’s eye surveillance footage of the first shoot out (not embedding, might be kind of graphic or triggering): https://twitter.com/truthgodfather/status/1757967794916798684

That’s what I wanted the scoop on. How batshit are we talking here? Maybe I’ll stop by at some point.

I haven’t peeked in there in many years and my mental health has gone up exponentially.