‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

If you leave your house in America on Memorial day it’s like you are asking to be shot. That’s why I love theme parks so much. Metal detectors.

Is Broadwalk right? Because they made that typo twice if it isn’t.

Thought it was Boardwalk

The article repeats Broadwalk four times and had a video with it in its title. My first instinct was typo too.

apparently its not a typo

I don’t see a porblem. You guys are wierd.

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Seems kinda sexist imo

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What if we just gave everyone in Florida a gun and let everyone just go buck wild there so we could stand back as everyone got into a massive Wild West battle and be like see, told you this was a dumb idea

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Maybe do it closer to the next reapportionment.

At least 7 wounded, “multiple” fatally shot, and 2 in custody in Richmond, Virginia at high school graduation


Seriously such a dumb way to make laws.

Judge: Hey, I’m too lazy to do my research and my clerks are busy sucking me off. Can somebody do it for me for free please?

3 killed + 3 injured at a birthday party. After killing the first two,

the suspect then went into his home and started firing from a home window, killing the 27-year-old’s father as he was trying to render aid to his son.

Three dead and a city in shock and mourning. So crazy to think in America this is a daily occurance basically.

Witnesses told police that Mireles went over to the neighbor to address the issue. They argued, then witnesses told police the suspect arrived, allegedly pulled out a gun, and tussled with Mireles Ruiz over that gun before he and Segovia were shot. Witnesses told police, the suspect then went into his home and started firing from a home window, killing the 27-year-old’s father as he was trying to render aid to his son.

Hoooooooly shit that is gangster.

Another person who would have gotten away with it in America if he just shot the first people, claimed self defense and didn’t go fucking rambo on them.

Mass shootings in the U.S. have become so frequent they’ve now taken to just doing weekly summaries of them:


22 people shot in Illinois

This kind of thing is maybe the biggest win for the right I can think of. Lol left wing media bias. :roll_eyes:

“In light of emerging evidence, today the Cook County state’s attorney’s office has moved to dismiss the charges against Carlisha Hood and her 14-year-old son,” the office said in a statement.

“Based upon the facts, evidence and the law, we are unable to meet our burden of proof in the prosecution of these cases,” it added.

The office did not specify what new evidence led to their decision, but it comes after video surfaced over the weekend that appears to show Jeremy Brown, the man who was killed, punching Hood immediately before he was shot on June 18.

Sounds like an open and shut case of self defense, right?

Brown ran from the store as Hood’s son allegedly continued to fire at him. The teen and his mother followed Brown into the parking lot, where she told her son to keep shooting Brown and to kill him, prosecutors said.

Hood was also accused of telling her son to then shoot Brown’s girlfriend, and of trying to take the gun from her son afterwards. The two left the scene and went home.

Holy shit. Another day in America, another person getting away with murder by claiming self defense. You completely get away with it if you just claim self defense and don’t do any crazy shit afterwards.