‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Is eating a tasty meal really so powerful that it can change something fucking sick into something OK?


I think there’s some nuance to be had here. Like, I’m with you in that I personally could never hunt because I couldn’t bring myself to kill. I’ve seen it argued that deer hunting can be necessary for population control. I honestly don’t know how well that holds up but maybe. I also think it’s arguably more humane to kill a wild animal and eat it then to buy factory farmed meat at the grocery store. I agree with Melkerson that hunters who get off on tracking and killing an animal, regardless of it’s purpose are sick fucks

And his wife, too:

Obviously the real guns are the issue and movies and video games don’t cause people to become violent, but I do think the glorification of guns in movies and games makes it harder to pass gun control laws. They normalize gun ownership and are basically advertisements for how cool it is to be a gun owner. It’s the reason why gun companies have worked to get their guns in movies and games (just like cigarette companies did before they were banned).


I was introduced to guns probably before 8 years old. Very rural area where everyone hunted. First gun was 20 gauge shotgun and 22 then 30/06. All hunting guns. Never knew anyone that hunted for sport. I never thought about guns outside of being safe and using them to practice or hunt. Went to gun ranges and it was incredibly rare to see something like a semi automatic rifle. It just didn’t serve a purpose.

I did some work for a friend that hand a shooting range around 2008/ 2009. Construction wasn’t doing great and they offered me job as range master. I helped for bit and then left.

5% or less were people going to site rifles for hunting or shown how to shoot so they could hunt.
It was just a massive amount of morons with AR-15s and hand guns.

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I don’t think it matters if it is tasty or not. If you are using it to provide your body with nutrients, I think that’s enough to go from fucking sick to OK. Of course, there are more ethical ways to provide nutrition (i.e. plant-based diet). So I’m not married to ‘OK’. Feel free to change it to something else quite a bit less bad than fucking sick.

I’m curious about this one as well. I hear it a lot and then I wonder what exactly happens if the deer population gets out of control. Anyone know?

I tend to take a dim view of hunters given that one of them almost shot my mom, but hunting rifles are so obviously not the main issue here.

Similar here. I got a 4-10 shotgun when I was 12 or 13. We’d shoot clay pigeons with it, with the plan that I’d join my stepdad hunting at some point, instead of just walking with him and the dogs. But I never really wanted to hunt so that didn’t happen.

Guns were a tool to my stepdad. He had a bunch of shotguns and a few pistols for home protection. But I never heard him talk about guns the way so many seem to fetishize them today. And he never had any use for a semi-automatic rifle.

no one has any use for a semi automatic rifle

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What about for campaign ads?

Deer are like rats in some areas. Population control is a big deal, they are a threat to drivers in addition to eating crops.

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I had a .22 as a kid.

I know. Laugh it up. But the bullets were super-cheap compared to powerful rifles so it was good for target practice.

But even a headshot with a .22 isn’t a guaranteed kill on a human.

I had guns as a kid as well in rural Canada. The big difference is that I didn’t have military grade assault weapons and my dad wasn’t telling me that I had to use them to defend the family from the Work Mob.

I don’t think that having firearms in the house is a good thing when you have kids, accidents can happen. But there are degrees of danger here.

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So this. Not to mention the research clearly shows this is nonsense.

They will say and do anything to avoid the obvious truth that the US is…gasp!..not exceptional after all.

It’s obviously the access to guns, but I think it might be OK to say that culture exacerbates the issue in some small way. Every dipshit who carries in public thinks he’s Jack Bauer from 24.

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So-called leftists see the country differently now than the days of Occupy Wall street six years ago, said Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook and a visiting scholar at Dartmouth College. Trump’s victory emboldened white supremacists, he said, and the threat is felt not just by the LGBTQ community, but people of colour, immigrants, Jews and Muslims.

“Back then we were sitting in parks, twinkling our fingers and talking about economic inequality,” he said. “Now we’re talking about firearms and self-defence.”