‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Mass shootings spreading to Canada

We’re a big city in a big country so there will be some incidents like this. Unfortunately there does seem to be a bigger pattern of insidious American culture problems infecting Canada. “Freedom” protestors that just want to do whatever they want to do with no regard for others, a faux populist gasbag asshole running for PM for the conservative party, way more incidents of social media fed racism. It’s sad beaver time up here.



This is because Elon Musk’s Teslas are making roads safer, right?

I had a conversation about this with my wife, and frankly it didn’t go pretty well. She’s not pro gun at all, but she just didn’t understand why I worried about our baby getting shot or in a car accident. Her thought process was basically “well we don’t have any guns” and “we got a really good car seat.”

I didn’t have it in me to correct her. Probably would have been wrong to do that anyways.

Something super close to this is actually a good point, though. How many of those 25,000 kids are 16-year old gang members, and why do white anti-gun advocates refuse to include the problems that create gangs in the first place, and instead focus on disingenuously combining those high numbers solely with images of white victims of semi-random rampage killers that are a drop in the bucket of those big numbers?

Like this graphic. Well-off, well-educated white parents continue to see their children as being in danger of becoming members of that 18%, because they conflate the horrific rampage killer news stories with the mostly domestic accident and gang-violence statistics.

Guns and street violence can’t be separated though. Agree it’s simplistic and manipulative to conflate the two (mainly to get an “omg little white kids being killed in gun accidents!” emotional response) but reducing supply of guns would definitely make the number of young people who die in street violence decline. Like, gun restrictions demonstrably do this.

Also, white gun advocates are quick to point at the exact same problem but not as a “we’ve gotta solve street violence” argument, but instead as a “street violence is responsible for most of the deaths anyways and that’s unsolvable and/or the problem of minority communities, so why should we have to give up our guns for them?”

I know two people personally who were killed by stray bullets. Neither was in a bad neighborhood or doing anything other than enjoying a night out on the town.

My old roommate in KC. Married father of two. Shot in the head in front of his wife coming out of a restaurant. "Black was shot when two men opened fire on each other in the 1400 block of R Street NW, a few blocks northwest of Logan Circle, police said at the time. Officers responded at about 9:10 p.m. " Seems like this one was some kind of really messy gang hit.

25-year-old I watched grow up. My dad is good friends with her extended family, who are all shattered. Some dudes were fighting a few hundred yards away. Guy who was getting beat up got out a gun and started spraying at them, hit her in the head while she was standing at a food truck. 18-year-olds legally buying guns in insane.


Ugh. Sorry that happened man.

I am never ever fucking moving to the US.

Just completely mental.

What’s nuts is that Czech Republic is fixing to follow America’s lead. It’ll be a while before we get there but gun rights has come up as a thing here in the presidential election.



Few details but likely murder-suicide.

The latest is the husband killed his wife, kids, and mother-in-law. His wife had filed for for divorce. The cops had investigated the man before.

Think technically a family annihilator which I suppose is a subset. It’s a very weird phenomenon though. John List is a crazy story

Wow 17 years on the run.

This is a big story locally. They were LDS so the church and its paternalistic history and policies will get some scrutiny. It has had a run of bad publicity. Not that there will be any changes or much discussion of guns.


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What the fuck


Obviously not the fault of the gun owning parents.