‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Not the name I’d have chosen for a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs.


The club has been around for 20 years, so they had the name first. [I do wonder if they thought about changing it after the recent nonsense].

Shooter had previously been arrested for bomb threats and possibly shooting threats. But, up until he walked in that club and pulled the trigger, just another “good guy with a gun.”

Dems are clowns for not holding weekly votes on banning guns for the terror watch list and those with a history of mass casualty threats.

You can legit threaten to commit a mass shooting and not lose your gun rights!

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Yep. Today’s “law-abiding citizen” is tomorrow’s mass murderer. But you’ll never hear that from the right. It’s always “Welp, there go those criminals again. That’s why we all need AR-15s”.

CSprings was/is the home of the political evangelical right wing. Unfortunately I’m not surprised by this at all.


I swear to god, this country is full of red states, which are full of deplorable assholes. Why is it that such an outsized percentage of them come from right here in east San Diego county? what are the chances?

Ashli Babbitt
Grocery-store KKK guy
Swastika mask couple
and now…CSprings shooter.


Yes, Randy Voepel is my Assemblyman. He lost to another deplorable, so he’s out.


Hard to say what the local reaction to this will be.

If the shooter is white, I assume he is Deeply Troubled and this is Tragic and we can’t reach any conclusions about religious nuts or conservatives because of a few Bad Apples.

Politicians will follow the Church’s lead and I don’t think Church authorities can brush it off quite that easily partly because they have been willing to compromise on the marriage act and partly because of other on-going controversies.

I doubt it’s changed much, but when I was there, CSprings was 97% white and was home to the headquarters of several religious right organizations, like Focus on the Family, etc.

No culture, no arts, no ethnic food, just white white everywhere white.

I’m sure the Latino population has grown like everywhere else in CO, but still…

Somebody has to serve those people.

hey, chipotle is ethnic!

There’s an argument that the modern day GOP grew from the CA GOP. CA being the first to experience rapid demographic and political change. CA GOP were the forerunners of xenophobic extremism.

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From 2020:


All of this bullshit happened in CSprings right when I was there. This shooting hurts because there was an unspoken arrangement back then: if you were a USAFA cadet, you got in free, underage, to Hide and Seek. They knew it was a safe space, especially for the women. There weren’t any camera phones back then, no one was telling on you, etc. It was safe, even with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in place.

The CSprings LGBT community holds a special place in my heart.


Largely true when I was there in the early 2000’s, but it wasn’t really that bad imo. Colorado College offset the conservative a bit. They have a good public radio station. There were a couple decent record stores, and one of the coolest indy video rental shops I’ve ever seen. Best French Onion soup I ever had from La Baguette (ok, so that’s white people food). Best fondue I ever had out in Manitou Springs (ok ok, also white people food). Still, if you stayed close to downtown and avoided the suburban sprawl along Academy, it can be a cool little city.

It’s because they grow up around so much wokeness they can’t help but lose their minds. Understandable really.

/right-wing argle bargle mind

I’m sure this actual hero will be heralded by FoxNews. Just your typical 3 tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan vet who has no problem going to see a drag show with family and friends. They’ll be all over that.

“I went to the ground as soon as I heard the rounds,” Fierro told CNN’s John Berman Monday night.

The veteran who did three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan said his training kicked in.

“I was in (fighting) mode, I was doing what I did down range. I trained for this,” he said.

After hitting the ground, Fierro saw a man with a gun and jumped into action. “I ran across the room … pulled him down,” Fierro said.

Fierro and Thomas James were identified by police as two clubgoers who helped take down the suspected gunman. Five people were killed in the attack and 17 were injured, officials say.

As soon as the police arrived, Fierro said he began tending to his injured friends.

“I tried. I tried to help everybody in there,” Fierro said, becoming emotional.

“I don’t want to ever do this,” Fierro said of using his combat skills. “I was done doing this stuff, it was too much,” he said. “It lives in you. If you actually do this stuff, it’s in you … I’m not a GI Joe, I’m just a normal guy.”

Fierro’s daughter’s boyfriend, 22-year-old Raymond Green Vance, is among those killed in the shooting, he said.

“Raymond was a kind, selfless young adult with his entire life ahead of him. His closest friend describes him as gifted, one-of-a-kind, and willing to go out of his way to help anyone,” his family said in a statement.


Oh, I’ve already seen the “what’s a veteran doing in a gay bar?” takes.



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