‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I wanna be the guy who gets to say who lives and who dies, not the state government.

Shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out. 'Merica.


Some studies have shown this, but a lot depends on:

  • how long / expensive the legal process is. [I’d imagine this could vary a lot by state, as well as era b/c different legal rules in different times or places could impact how long the process takes.]

  • whether there are dedicated facilities for death row inmates. In states that run separate facilities, costs do seem to be higher on a per inmate basis.

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It’s going to have to be said again and again. People do stupid mix up stuff all the time everywhere in the world. The US is one of the few places where those people bring along a weapon that can kill so easily.

they got a Ring doorbell notification about someone at the front door of their Winter Haven apartment around 7 a.m., Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said.
That person was a neighbor who received a medicine delivery for the Coloncostas at his home, and being “a good Samaritan” he took the medicine and hung it on the Coloncosta’s front door, Judd said.

But after receiving an alert from their Ring doorbell camera, the father and son exited their home armed with .45 caliber firearms searching for a person they suspected to be a burglar, according to the sheriff’s office.

Nearly 100 yards away, they found a woman sitting in a dark-colored vehicle with dark windows and the engine running, looking at her phone, and targeted her, Judd said

When she looks up and she sees Gino standing at the back of the vehicle with a gun pointed at her, screaming for her to get out of the car, she thinks, ‘He’s about to carjack me, he’s about to rob me,'” Judd said.

The woman threw her car into reverse in an attempt to back out of the way and crashed into a car behind her in the frantic escape.

The teenage son heard the commotion and neared the car and thought “our victim is trying to back into him” and he opened fire, Judd said.

Both Colonacosta and his son started shooting into the car as the woman sped away.

They shot a total of seven times. The woman was not hit, and alerted the sheriff’s office


Some interesting tidbits from that article:

A Florida father and his 15-year-old son were arrested on attempted murder charges for allegedly shooting at an innocent woman after they received a mixed-up package at their door and suspected a burglar was breaking in, officials said.
Gino Colonacosta, 73, and his son opened fire Saturday morning

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The investigation found that one of the bullets went through a baby’s car seat and lodged into the driver’s seat of the car.

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I’ve never found the anti-death penalty argument on the grounds of “it’s cheaper!” compelling.

If it’s cheaper to give life in prison because there are way fewer appeals, then don’t we run a bigger risk of wrongfully imprisoning someone for life than we do wrongfully executing someone? Is that…good? The argument also feeds into the conservative rhetoric on narrowing opportunities for appeals in general.

And if it’s cheaper because of separate facilities or some other technical reason, then it just encourages advocates to solve that issue.

Now, I will say the reason abolitionists often make the cost argument is because conservatives lead with “we shouldn’t pay to lock up murderers!!” but I feel there are better answers to that than “well life in prison is actually the lowest cost alternative.” Like, they’re literally advocating executing criminals to save money. Focus on that.

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If someone uses a gun to murder me, please tell whoever determines the sentence that in lieu of the death penalty, I would like my killer to be sentenced to twenty years of solitary confinement.

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I don’t have words

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Jesus Christ why in the fuck are we charging the 15 year old like that who is almost certainly being told to do good by his father. Just fuck that entire story and fuck Florida

Holy shit, thinking about having a child twenty years from now when my oldest child will be older than I am now absolutely blows my mind.

Who would willingly do that to themselves?

It seems like perhaps this gentleman is not the best decision maker, overall.


This commercial was in pretty steady rotation for a while around here. There are billboards up to.

Skip to the punchline at 1:27 if you haven’t seen it

Eta: nvmd it’s in the title

The Tyler family?

(John Tyler, US president in the 1840s, has a grandson who is alive today)

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Agree with all of that. What I’m most curious about is the age and the story of the mom.

2nd amendment freedom but tracking my kid. What to do

Socialism, except only for being able figure out which mangled corpse used to be your child.

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Actually it shows the exact opposite DUCY?

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