‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I know I’m preaching to the choir and this is not news and etc but it’s truly insane that you can buy a high powered rifle in the US legally 3 years before you can buy a fucking beer.


Which is more likely to happen in the US?

  • Drinking age lowered to 18
  • Gun age raised to 21

0 voters

Option 3 - never change anything, America is perfect the way it is (except for the ways that libtards are RUINING it and DESTROYING our country), except maybe lower taxes on billionaires because that’s just common sense, America doesn’t have to change maybe YOU have to change, go back to where you came from.




70 minutes of staring at the wall is their weakness apparently




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Wait, that’s not the pitchbot, lol

Lol of course


They should extend protections to “classmates of Justices’ children and other similarly situated persons”.

Lol quite elaborate cover for Ginni here


Cornyn could come out and say they want to rile up a mob outside the liberal staffers homes over the leak, but that protests outside conservative justices homes is a bridge too far, and the eDems would pass his bill anyway.

The gun utopia of Texas is doing well

I think the real question is why are children attending a “summer camp” inside of a warehouse. Aren’t you supposed to be in the woods?

If that guy had a machine gun. 20+ dead

I want to joke that Texas’ climate-wracked hellscape is too hot for outdoor summer camp, but that might be the truth.

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He could have likely killed 20 with his handgun if he wanted, but seems his intent wasn’t to kill kids as was rooms with them but didn’t fire any shots. Of course, the right with add this to their list of good guys with guns stopping a mass shooting.

i’m trying to shove a crack about texas being a soft target into this story but coming up with nothing

This one reads more like a disgruntled former employee or ex spouse, not a typical mass shooter. Maybe we’ll find out after 43 rounds of changing lies from the cops. THE ASSAILANT WAS NINE FEET TALL AND WE BELIEVE HE WAS ARMED WITH A CANNON THAT SHOOTS GUNS OUT IT.

He’d have consumed the children with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.