‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Nope. We need to talk more about conservatives are stupid assholes killing kids. You can put me on ignore if you want, I won’t mind.

I can see why it’s easier to take it out on your perceived enemies, as opposed to the gun makers or the politicians.

I’ve got plenty of heat for politicians, obviously.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, changes anyone’s mind. Being nice to these people has never once changed their mind so why start now?

Fear works wonders. Republican politicians are afraid of their own donors and voters and each other. We have to make them more afraid of us than they are of those people. We might not be able to change their minds but we could influence their actions.

And to be clear, I don’t mean like this


I’m surprised he left it up.

And I don’t think it’s a good idea to just raise the temperature and be yelling at everybody all the time, that just feeds into their existing fears. We have to do it in a way that sows dissention rather than makes them circle the wagons as they tend to do.


But why?

I guess it depends on whether one posts to (1) just have some fun and blow off steam or (2) try to persuade someone.

As far as category (2) I’m not sure whether I’m more likely to be persuaded by being treated with condescension or not. I think condescension works much better with younger people than older but ymmv.

I assume condescending people don’t really care about persuading others anyway in most cases.

(2) is a fool’s errand. It’s impossible, so there is no reason to try. Sure, every now and then some deplorable will tell you that maybe if you didn’t treat them like an idiot they might engage with you and be persuaded. But it’s all lies. It is a lie that sounds fairly convincing, so they tell it a lot.

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Why treat a fellow forum member with respect? Why indeed.

Condescension is not the same as disrespect, although I can see how one might get them confused as they often go together.

I kind of agree with your last sentence but it’s weird as fuck for a teenager to break into some bedroom at night in search for some electronics. Just steal that shit from walmart. He could very likely just be a mentally fucked dude without any malice but that’s still not someone I’d be giving much leeway to if he did in fact break into my child’s bedroom window, lol

Do you think everyone that isn’t fully in agreement with you is “some deplorable”?

Definitely not.

Other people make that argument too. It’s just mostly deplorables.


Someone tell that old dude to focus on what’s important and Treat People With Respect.

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I was addressing a specific situation that involved someone trying to break into a bedroom window in the middle of the night in a house with small kids.

I am not disputing the statistics that a gun in the house is more likely to hurt an innocent person.

I can’t contribute to this place the way most of you can so sometimes I get caught nitting it up over small things. It’s never personal and I think you’re an elite poster.


I know you know that breaking into someone’s bedroom window isn’t a super common act and even less common if we going with the story that there were small children in the house who wouldn’t be a target from people they’d personally knew. Also, lol at citing that they’d only be armed 40% of the time.

Sure, they could be really dumb and just decide on the worst possible location to steal a nintendo but this could easily be kidnapping.

Why does it always have to be a gun? Why can’t you stock your house with mace or bear spray instead?

I have pepper gel located strategically through my house for protection. I feel way more comfortable with that than a firearm here, especially with the amount of kids we usually have in our house.

I also have the antedote in case someone sprays the gel accidentally.

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