‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

You can clearly see the boy and the little girl on the bike are under the eaves safe from falling roof guns. Responsible gun ownership IMO

Are they, though?

That’s just unlucky.

Is that his wife or his… actually never mind.

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You’re right, of course. I forgot about that. My mistake. It’s the same bad luck that results in a 2-year-old shooting their mom with a gun from her purse. The mom is always, and without fail, a responsible gun owner.

The handful of those cases I’ve heard of elicit almost no sympathy from me (for the mom, I feel terrible for the kid that has to live with that). I think I might be closer to NBZ than I’d like to admit.


Estimate on whether price of all guns > price of house?

I don’t think it’s really that complicated. Yes what you said is an interpretation of conservative jurisprudence, but it’s clearly working backwards from “I want to have a right to a gun”.


If it were up to me, I’d say the Second Amendment doesn’t protect an individual right to own any gun, but that the Ninth Amendment should protect a basic right to self-defense, so people should be allowed to own those guns that are reasonable for home defense in an appropriate quantity.

The literal part of me always gets upset at the ‘right to self defense’ because I don’t know any country anywhere thats ever abrogated that as in no one’s ever said ‘you don’t have a right to defend yourself’ so the right of self defense is just a round about way of saying ‘right to own a gun’

I am completely horrified by that pic. The humor attempt is gallows humor.



Change the topic to literally anything else.

Ted Cruz probably played poker because he’d rather be criticized for that than answer for guns. The more he has to talk about guns the more chances of fucking up and accidentally displaying something resembling a human emotion.

Run the clock out.

Unnecessary for the psychopaths but the others are trying to duck into rooms with locked doors until the heat dies down.

Thank law enforcement.

Tricky atm unless they want to be associated with complete fuckups and assholes. Better to wait until the scapegoats are sorted out.

Talk about inflation

This will get them by until they have to run to their next meeting.

Scare sone gun nuts.

They’re hugging these guys tight because they’re the ones afraid. If they let go, the gun nuts come after them. And they get disowned by the party. So sure, go ahead and scare them some more, but hold on for dear life, you assholes.

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So, no guns in gated communities and armories in high-crime neighborhoods?

Yeah, I got that.

I don’t think we’ll get to the point of no guns, so I’m trying to look for something along the lines of some guns.

I would also let people have reasonable hunting supplies.

Expecting people should have to or need to protect their own home is beyond absurd. Moving that responsibility from the individual to the collective is one of the fundamentals of civilization. Hell, even primitive tribes do that. Pack animals are smart enough to do it. It’s one of the fundamentals of any social species.


Why does this guy have a pool in his front yard?