‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Dude you go this strong every thread. You aren’t wrong this time but 25 posts arguing about semantics when it literally doesn’t matter especially here sums up a lot of what riles me(and many others) up about your posting. I’m not sure why you need to keep trying to convince us that you are the perfect Dem with all the right phrasings. Literally no one here cares. We are almost all on the same side so the endless lectures about minutiae that dominate every thread is tiresome. Think about that before you lash out as usual this time.


Just FYI, the ignore function works folks. Amazing how bad a poster has to be for me to figure that function out vs. just scrolling on by.

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A lot of Native Americans don’t mind being called ‘Indian’ and in fact embrace it. Does that mean they’re right when the term came about because Columbus ‘thought’ he was in the East Indies?

I’ve always used Latino/Hispanic to describe geography, and most people I have known also use it that way. If you want to have one be about a language and the other about geography, fine, but it’s beyond inelegant. Obviously using the country of origin (just like tribe name instead of Native American) is the best thing to use, but most people like to generalize.

My point is to know why you’re using something as opposed to just using it without any knowledge.

Yeah bro it’s amazing how just the simple request of asking someone not to use the term ‘migrant’ can turn into this. It’s just amazing that people want to fight about it, when it’s easier to JUST AVOID USING IT. You don’t even have to acknowledge me about it, you can, WOW, just not use it.

You haven’t earned any kind of high horse about this, so I couldn’t care less what you think about it.

Yes but right now stuff’s slippin through the cracks

nunnehi is crossnerd?

Crossnerd’s defining feature was an overriding desire to not be agreed with, not getting that sense here.

I don’t care about being agreed with, I care that people stop using that word. No argument is needed there. It’s a choice that can easily be made with zero comment. But instead, I get dragged for it, and it’s not a good look for the people who want to fight about it.

I feel like the media’s actions in this, like anything else, can be traced back to their perverse incentives. Money/clicks/ratings come first, any sort of actual duty to truth or actual journalism comes second.

Oh for sure man.

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FWIW, the first several results from google disagree with you and I’ve never heard your specific definition anywhere.

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The ‘migrant’ vs ’ immigrant’ distinction is something I was actually interested in and not arguing.

For all these things, notably Hispanic v Latino, I think the group or individual generally gets to decide for themselves regardless of the history of the term or logical inconsistencies. But that’s fuzzy as a lot of people use terms differently.

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I’ll concede on this, happy?

The problem with the ‘migrant’ vs. ‘immigrant’ distinction is that it devolved, when it wasn’t even necessary to start.

You can take a L and apologize whenever you feel ready as you so often tell the rest of us to do.

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Also every thread is this bs with you defending your superiority. Think about how no one else here does that.

Think about what you’ll sound like to me when you’re muted.

so not crossnerd but basically crossnerd

Please either stop talking about this or excise this nonsense out of the gun thread.
