‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Holy shit if true although I’m skeptical (perhaps I shouldn’t be).

Governor’s staff is going around threatening mass shooting victims mafia-style? If the event happened, I’d say it’s some random wack job or maybe NRA-type operative pretending to be with Abbott. I don’t know. Insanity.

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Yeah my radar says no way but really who knows anymore

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Crazy that Abbott first created a shortage of baby formula, and now he’s trying to buy off grieving parents. Time for a change in Texas.

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Can Biden use the DPA to force all gun companies to manufacture widgets 24/7?


Scrolled through 6 months of that guy’s tweets. Nothing that would indicate even living in TX (or anywhere else, to be fair).

Would have better luck ordering them to ship their guns to the Army. Though still not good luck.

Don’t sell him short, he also demanded those idiotic “enhanced inspections” of trucks at the border, resulting in something like $240 million in spoiled food. That was just a month ago. Hundreds of millions of wasted food to show how tough he is on crime, I guess. The shittiest, worst people gain power in this country. Sit on a running chainsaw, Greg. Get torn apart by stray dogs.


Yeah, not real


Jesus Christ.


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“They leave behind four children”

Fuuuuucking hell

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He posted his cash app handle at some point. I searched for the user in the app which gives me his name, then found a Facebook profile matching that make for a dude that lives in Spokane, Washington. No other obvious hits for any other person with the same name

This is the district’s rep. As soon as you hear the direct question you know he’s going to immediately equivocate and repeat bullshit GOP talking points they were issued that morning. This is pure cowardice and self-interest; this is not leadership in any way. Goddamn this country. I’m out from news for the day, can’t take anymore of this bullshit tsunami while children are repeatedly murdered.


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woah, woah…didn’t he send busloads of illegals to D.C.? Were not the Libs trolled?



Remember when Columbine was such an incomprehensible event that they made a documentary about it?

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Tfw you realize we’re already living in a dystopia

He seems to have nephews everywhere that keep getting shot.

Fuck me it’s not the guns that are the problem after all. His family is just cursed.

they didn’t. michael moore isn’t “they” in any sense of the word. he’s a lone wolf filmmaker.

This clip has an interview with one of the kids who made it out of that classroom alive.