‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



They kill themselves all the time.

Can we use a constitutional reverse Uno card to make the second amendment protect the right to use pot, and criminalize firearms?


Given the type of killing here, I’m wondering if the shooter was influenced at all by the release of the stuff pointing to the motivation of the sandy hook shooter came out.


Most telling quote, “you’re the one who wants to rape children, I’m the one who wants to save them”. Very Catcher in the Rye vibe to me.

There was just a case where immigrants didn’t have second amendment rights because, I shit you not, that’s not what the framers originally intended.


Why do all these gun grabbers want to take guns after guns are used to kills lot of kids? Who knows? Oh well, we live in a fallen world full of sin

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They promote guns and they promote hatred. They can’t possibly wonder why these things happen. It happens by design. Maybe they could try not promoting one or the other…at least.


i’ll take self-referential laws for $1000

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tbh, I’m surprised we are only 4.5 times ahead of second place.

14 kids Jesus Christ

Just overheard from crazy right winger at the bridge club

“Taking away guns is no solution, the only solution is jesus”


I’ve probably posted this before (maybe in this very thread) but I was in Newtown the day after for a Christmas party at some good friends’ house. I stopped into the local grocery store to grab snacks and a 30 rack. It was fucking surreal walking around the store. So quiet despite it being packed with customers doing holiday shopping and Christmas music softly playing in the store. I remember specifically having the thought that something was finally going to change. Fuckin a man. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


I legitimately don’t know that there’s an answer apart from the Pacific states seceding and founding a new nation without the right to bear arms.

If they did I would move to California in a heartbeat



If the killer turns out to be undocumented, this is gonna be instantly politicized to high heaven by the “this is no time to politicize” crowd.


video starts 666 seconds in. oh snap

Honestly Joe, just fucking sit this one out. Spare us your empty words and fucking resign.


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This honestly seems to be the likey future imo. Teachers in many states heavily and openly armed. And don’t worry these guns have safety switches so five year olds will never accidentally kill themselves/others, similar to how child locks on medicines work 100% of the time.

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