‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

And naturally the deplorables are out in force saying “see, this happened in NYC. Gun laws don’t work!”

Absolutely giddy about it, too.

The police STILL haven’t found this guy? Do they do literally anything other than terrorize powerless people and lie on the stand?

Sometimes they eat donuts.

Saw a great joke that the police would’ve caught him if he had jumped the turnstile.


I mean, we’re not talking about Jason Bourne here. LOL Police.

NYC blowing up my phone

So I guess they’re going to end up calling it domestic terror after all?

Given that the shooter appears to be a black guy who posted a YouTube video titled “CILL WHITEY.” Obviously if he was a white nationalist, that’d be a lone wolf situation.

“CILL WHITEY” is code for Hillary Clinton. Think about it!

So he’s Q?

No, that’s just what they want you to think. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! DON’T YOU KNOW AMERICA IS ALSO BAD!


Why the fuck would he take a loose credit card to a mass shooting?

That seems like something you drop on purpose to throw the cops off the trail. Like drop a stolen card and have them go after someone else.

Don’t worry, this could never happen in Georgia now because there will be tons of good guys with guns.


There were some rambling YouTube videos from this guy, assuming he is in fact the one that did it, he appears to have pretty severe mental health problems. I wouldn’t assume that the guy rambling incoherently on YouTube and driving across the country in a rental van is making a lot of coherent and reasoned decisions.

And yet he is able to evade a police force with a budget larger than all but 5 countries on earth.

WSJ says the suspect has been arrested




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Leading cause of lower life expectancy for 1st world countries.