‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



Yes it did. Consumption was way down under Prohibition.

Worldwide, gun bans are demonstrably even more effective than alcohol bans are, because people can’t make AK-47s in their bathtubs.


It probably went down a lot at first, but then increased most of the way back to normal. Obviously there’s not reliable data.

I’d call a reduction of alcohol consumption to 60-70% of pre-Prohibition levels a pretty substantial drop, even if initially it was down to 30% by the same methodology. Furthermore, their methodology focuses on problem drinkers, measuring deaths, hospitalizations, and arrests, which won’t capture changes in the behavior of light and moderate drinkers. I would hypothesize that people who drink without issue would be more likely to follow the law (or at least obey more often) than people who have serious problems drinking.

Takeaway for me is that consumption was increasing back towards previous levels. And the fact that it didn’t fully recover until 10 years after prohibition ended suggests to me that social changes and pressures as much as legal ones inhibited use.

Guns are a very different thing.

Drugs make their way past all barriers. Prisons are full of drugs. Gun prohibitions are effective in lots of places.

…and scene


The “I carry my gun on me near 100% of the time,” and “I really don’t ever want to have to use it” sentiments really just don’t work together.


Cactus, gun ownership in the USA correlates with domestic violence. Mass shooting are often linked to domestic violence.

You are a very angry person looking for trouble. It’s probably too late for a lot of things, but you should see a therapist.


The resident Cactus back on 2p2 (not 100% convinced they are different people Since their rhetoric is identical but I’ll take Cactus’ word that he never posted there because he seems to be honest about himself) used to bring his gun to the beach. With his family. Can’t remember his handle, bigblind something? Zero percent chance these people arent constantly fantasizing about using their guns.

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maybe cactus is actually referring to his penis, calling it a gun and is confused why he wouldn’t bring it everywhere. He doesn’t carry a literal firearm, just a figurative one.
Unsure if that would make him more sane or less


Ah, I think I see where you’re confused.

Cactus isn’t worried about getting robbed himself. It’s just that if during his run he notices some cops beating the shit out of some black dude, then he will be able to stop them at gunpoint or shoot them. It’s armed joggers like him that help keep cops in line.

Still lurking for the grins rest of the day…

I would never in a million years do that. The whole point of conceal carry for me is the “conceal” part. And it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if everyone here thinks the reason for conceal is to sneak up up someone or feel tough. I’ve never been met with such staggering levels of ignorance

You people are so intellectually weak and dishonest it’s disgusting. Whatever… I tried to have an intelligent conversation about responsible gun ownership. I mean, consider that you guys have spent a page or two bleating to a guy who’s said he’s PRO GUN REFORM if certain conditions are met!

I now understand why some gun owners completely lose their shit and start hauling their ARs into the streets to exercise their rights. There’s simply no other way to reason with such disingenuous blockheads. It really does come down to: “Omg! Anyone who exercises their 2A rights is violent, dangerous, and a psychopath!” vs. “Here are our guns. Try and take them you mealy mouthed trolls”. I don’t agree with their tactics, but I now have a much better understanding of why they take them thanks to many of you here. Anyway, wake me up when the trolls win

:rofl: :joy:

More ignorance… Most know that runners are prime targets for attack because people assume they are defenseless and winded. That’s where we are. People have stopped even pretending to be rational and get 5 likes from the pacifier crew lmao!

And I’ll leave you with one more thought y’all can laugh at me about while I’m gone, but might be serious…

I read somewhere that most societies are something like 5 missed meals away from civil unrest. If you don’t think we’re dangerously close to that now, or might be in the coming months, then you’ll be happy to know I am finally out of words. I’m not saying being armed will save your life, but I’d rather be, than not

Cue up the pacifier crew - “OMG Cactus is advocating rape, pillage, and pluner!” :rofl:

Lol even with “civil unrest” whatever that is, no one here would be changing their position

“Civil Unrest” is just more gun porn where all the gun bunnies get to shoot people without consequence, even if they aren’t black people.

Since he’s jogging with a case of Blue Apron meals strapped to his back, he might actually be on to something

Your routine of getting liquored up and going full retard isn’t helping your responsible gun owner ruse.


People don’t like to go without food for 2 days; better carry a gun while jogging.