‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I’m not comparing traffic deaths to justify gun deaths. I’m comparing responsibility. Tell someone who lost their kid to a drunken driver that their kid’s death isn’t as big of a deal as someone who lost theirs to a nutjob gunman

Or wait…

Are you saying that someone who irresponsibly gets behind the wheel of a car while drunk and kills someone’s kid is somehow less negligent as the racist asshole who shot the jogger? If so, that says a lot about how guns have warped your mind. Seriously imagine being the parent of a kid who’s life was needlessly taken by a drunk driver and tell me that parent should feel any differently

You do understand the difference between being negligent and doing something intentionally don’t you?

Are you trying to argue that the DD killer should get the same penalty just like the school shooter that kills a 1st grader?

LOL this guy goes jogging with a fucking gun. Totally normal country we have here folks.


The entire last 75% of this is a strawman. Nice work.

As for the first part, why could the woman not defend herself in the same way with a tazer?

Said woman is far more likely to have her gun used against her than by her.

Keep on keeping on.

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I haven’t watched the video and I’m not going to, but didn’t the murderers approach the guy with their guns trained on him? I’ve been told many times that you’re not supposed to point a gun at anything unless you want it dead, so don’t we know that they desired to kill the guy without any evidence and before he even looked at them? Sounds like it can’t be anything other than murder.

44s are fun to shoot, but I don’t like them for self defense. A Desert eagle is a good gun and comes in different sizes. Unfortunately for you I guess, there are many different guns to choose from depending on preference, but I particularly like my Glock 19 thanks

I am NOT using the argument that more people die in car crashes to justify gun deaths! You are being completely dishonest intellectually here. My point is about responsibility and that some people are and some people are not when it comes to many things. They are two totally separate things.

It’s not a strawman. It’s a rebuttal to strawman arguments. All you guys are saying is guns bad. People with guns bad, crazy, wannabe heros. Those aren’t arguments, facts, or even points!

I’m not going to explain this to someone who knows literally nothing about guns or tasers. Think distance, heavy clothing, and jackets for starters and try and work it from there

Completely false. But keep on keeping on with incorrect facts you know nothing about

This conversation would be much quicker and over already if y’all were just honest and admitted you’re petrified of guns. A bunch of hypocrites who believe individuals shouldn’t have the right to protect or defend themselves with lethal force, but are perfectly content with guns in the hands of authority. I’m obviously not going to get anywhere with a bunch of stubborn pacifists who’d rather succumb to an attacker than defend with lethal force. In the meantime, you’re on the losing side of the constitution. Try taking someone’s gun away. I dare you

Can someone drop me an Email/PM when this derail is over?




It’s not even a derail it’s a prime example of someone without the mental capacity to safely own a weapon already having one.

Cactus, gun bans were always constitutional until just over a decade ago. The assault weapons ban in the 90s worked. They took Tommy guns away from gangsters in the 30s. That worked too. You’re just a sad, small man that is more likely to take their frustration out on a partner than a criminal.

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You seriously go jogging with your gun?

… and that does not crack the top 10 craziest things he has said in this thread

I’m not dismissing all reasons people want to carry a gun, but if you think your jog is so dangerous that you want a gun, buy a treadmill.

eta: I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s insane for a woman to take a gun jogging.

I’m all for anyone carrying something like this if they felt the need to

Like, many of us Americans feel the exact same way. Going jogging with a gun, WTF.

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everyone knows that joggers are prime targets for assault bc they are notoriously unfit and prone to carry ginormous wads of cash in their sock.


Wow. If you’re trying to convince us you’re just a responsible gun owner and not an NRA-esque gun apologist, you’ve failed miserably.

Exhibit B for that.

Seriously, who says shit like this?


Cactus, I will gladly admit that guns petrify me if you admit that the only reason you love them is because you have a micropenis and carrying a gun makes you feel more like a man. We’ll own our shortcomings (heh, shortcomings) together!


The whole “I need guns to protect myself from the government!” argument is just so incredibly dated. That may have been true when the second amendment was written and everyone just had rifles - so an assembly of gun-toters was actually a real threat. Nowadays you can gather up as many AR-15 LARPers as you want and you’re just going to get blasted with 20 billion dollars worth of tech the second you cause a problem. There are a million skills you could learn (e.g., law competency, political activism, self-reliance, computer science) that give you more protection from the government than having a gun.

Even re: self-defense, a few jiu-jitsu or muay thai classes + a bottle of pepper spray are more useful than a gun in a solid proportion of problem scenarios, while keeping everyone around you safer. I’m pretty confident my three-year-old isn’t going to stumble onto my Youtube history and leg kick himself to death.


I wanna say prohibition was constitutional once too. Didn’t stop people from drinking. Just made it illegal. I’m against anything the government tells people they can’t do unless there’s a victim involved. I’ve also never violently taken out my frustration on a woman in my life. Interesting you’d even come up with that. I assume that means you have?

Yep. I carry literally almost every waking hour. Even when chilling on my couch watching a movie. It’s not at all uncomfortable and just becomes a part of you after a while. The only time I’m not carrying it is when I’m in the shower or on a date

I don’t think my jog is at all dangerous

It doesn’t work like what?

I agree that using your brain is far more important whether you do or don’t have a firearm on you. If you’re a woman, I hope you know that yelling FIRE has been proven more effective than yelling HELP to get the attention of other people

If you’re referring to my “world view” and political positions in other threads, I can see why you’d be confused. I am an unapologetic progressive who parts ways with the left on several issues. My guess is that if there were a thread on 1A, I’d be having very similar engagements with the same people ITT. I’m a huge civil rights activist. America is not some bastion of freedom to the world. We incarcerate more people per 100,000, than any other nation on Earth. In fact, this figure is over 6x that of China. Maybe work on bringing these numbers to even a somewhat reasonable level and we can talk about disarming our population

If I knew for a fact that all they wanted was my wallet and would run away, I would also prefer to just hand over my wallet (but I acknowledge and will defend the right of anyone who doesn’t want to and instead, chooses to defend against being robbed). Just because you or I would prefer not to kill someone over money, and possibly wind up in a lengthy court battle and possibly jail, doesn’t mean everyone else needs to feel that way

The bottom line is there are two types of gun owners. Those that shoot their teenage grand kid climbing through the window in the middle of the night because they forgot their key, and those who would almost never be capable of doing such a thing. Thing is, y’all want to make responsible gun owners sound like nut boxes and dirty Harry wannabes. You’re also dead wrong about we own and/or carry a firearm. It’s NOT because we’re afraid or think a jog is too dangerous. And it’s certainly not because we’re looking for trouble. On the contrary, I’d be willing to bet that I’m about 1000x LESS likely to get into a violent confrontation than at least 90% of you who are demeaning me. I am much better off simply walking away from some loudmouth drunk who insults me or gives me the finger whereas, many, if not most, of you would likely engage someone, especially if you thought you could take them

Responsible gun owners take the time to take training classes. They NEVER discharge their firearm unless and until they can identify not only their target, but what’s behind their target. Responsible gun owners realize what a gigantic nightmare and royal pain in the ass it would be if they ever did have to shoot someone. Lengthy expensive court cases with the always present chance of going to jail and even if you were found innocent, you’d still be subjected to a civil suit. The very LAST thing a responsible gun owner wants to do is shoot someone. And with that I think I’ll be taking another couple months off from this thread and site. And when/if I do return I probably won’t even open this stupid thread