New! stuff to cheer you up in these dark times


I was in Portland last year and I think I saw this poster! IIRC there are a bunch of different ones all with a Pug theme, right?

ty for posting! I’m a fan of dogs in general and hope to get one this year after being without for quite a while.

Actually there were a bunch of posters but they were all different “mashups” of animals. The only other one I can remember right now was “Corgidile” (a corgie + crocodile, very cute). This was in Portland Cider House on Hawthorne Street in NE Portland.

I used to be a cat person, but my girlfriend’s corgies converted me to be more of a dog person. Would like to get one or two dogs from the pound when circumstances are right.

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Sheffield mum finds stranger’s poem where daughter died

A mother who marks every anniversary of her daughter’s death by placing flowers at the roadside was “overwhelmed” when a stranger left a poem for her to find.

Sharon Green leaves a floral tribute by the road in Sheffield where 13-year-old Rebecca was run over in 1996.

Peter Fearnley actually wrote the poem in 2018 as the lyrics to a song. This year, he attached a laminated card of his verse to the railings.

Ms Green found his work and they were put in touch through social media.

“I was just overwhelmed to think that someone would go and put so much effort into writing the most beautiful verse,” Ms Green told BBC Radio Sheffield.



My daughter rode one of those before she started walking and she could haul ass on that thing. Much faster than my son could run and it frustrated him immensely.

WTF lol

The kid’s face when he asks if she wants a picture is adorable.


The picture is in the comments. Her happiness is infectious indeed.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&

My son’s first fish ever:

On his 7th birthday and won the daily derby for $400.


What a catch! What sort of fish is that?

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Chinook salmon. 42 pounder. I caught a beautiful 25 pounder that day that fought way harder, but it was his day for sure.


Catch it? He doesn’t look big enough to be the bait!


He had less than 10lbs on his fish. We were fishing a spot that went cold and the lady holding the fish told us to reel up so we could move. I reeled my line up and had my son reel his up and it hit the bait right at the side of the boat. I called out “Fish on!” and then it turned on its side and started thrashing and I saw how wide it was. I yelled “Holy shit! It’s big! It’s big!” and she didn’t believe me and came over with the small net, looked over the side and turned around saying “Holy shit holy shit holy shit” and made it back with the big net in time to get it on board. There was a solid minute of stunned silence when it hit the deck. The deckhand asked me which tag to put on it and I said “It was his rod, so it’s his”. It never left the side of the boat. We would never have seen it again if it had run. I asked him what his favorite part of the trip was as we headed home and he said “When I caught my giant fish and everyone started swearing”. It was a perfect trip.



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