New Moderator Confirmation Votes

Tell me about 7 becoming mod.

I mean somebody over there doesn’t think your secret ban list is a joke or else there wouldn’t have been a sudden purge of lurkers.

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I’ve always been pretty open about being willing to nominate anyone who wants to become a mod. I nominated Marty early on, for example. See also, all the people I nominated for this term.

For every mod term, I post a quick message in the discord asking if anyone wants to be a mod this time, and Sven said he would so I nominated him.

Now did he say he wanted to be as a joke? Seems quite possible. Him being a mod also hasn’t negatively impacted the community here in any way.

I don’t believe you and I have ever had an issue with each other, so I’m sorry if something I said or did has been received negatively. Feel free to pm me to discuss if you want.

That’s results oriented thinking.

He overturned a mods ban of somebody who just happened to be a valued member of the Discord community. Also the turd mod he overturned isn’t likely to win the Discord Man of The Year award, if you know what I mean. Seems fishy… Could have really blown up if RM didn’t let it go. (You can imagine my disappointment when RM acted like an adult for a change.)

You seem to be dangerously close to dismissing me as nothing but a troll with ill intent, for the crime of telling it like it is. Do what you have to do man. Put me on your list I guess. I heard it’s a beautiful list. The greatest list!

The purge of lurkers was initiated because people share a lot of information on that discord, and at times exchange money, crypto, NFTs, etc. 99%+ of that is unrelated to UP. The fact that there were people posting about things in there that many active participants didn’t even know were members of the discord was viewed as a potential security issue, and that’s why the decision was made by Josh to remove inactive members. This decision was supported by the active members of the discord when it was discussed after the fact.

I had to ask who this was, but well played. I literally LOL when it was explained.

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I have to admit, you are a great politician! Complete bullshit but very convincing.

I’m not a discord ruler, but if I was, I would definitely wait to remove lurkers due to security concerns until financial activity decreased by 95 percent.

It’s nothing personal and I think you’re a solid guy, but put yourself in my shoes: I see you joking(?) about a secret ban lost over here but then being more explicit about your plans over on the Discord. Then I immediately get booted when I point this out over here.

Maybe I’m wrong and it really is all a big goof but I don’t think it’s a great way to go about asking the UP community to trust you with a mod position. Surely you can understand my concern.


Goofy would execute Captains for a lot less than that!

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FWIW, I never had to ask goofy’s permission to join the Discord and I doubt he even knew I was on it.

I will tell everyone, after initial actions here my plan is truly to bring this community back together. I plan to mod as lightly as possible, encourage people to leave behind past grievances, drop “team” mentalities, and stop personal attacks.

I plan to be fairly light on bans, but will give consistent 1 day bans for personal attacks or othering of posters. This will include calling another poster a captain. I will not be the only mod though, so if another mod responds to a flagged post before I do, I will ask them to handle it in the same way, but cannot guarantee that they will.

I would truly plan to use my 6 months to make this feel like one community again, and a place that is fun to be a member of. This will take buyin from everyone on the site though.


I was actually a boat captain though so we may need an RFC to litigate this inevitable drama bomb

I will amend that to say calling another poster a captain in a denigrating manner. The community has spoken though that they don’t want to create RFCs to create rules for mods to follow. I tried. So given that, I will be following that model if I am made a mod.

The only way we will be the community most of us want to be is if we can all agree to drop this sort of petty in fighting.

Most of this stuff I learned on UP!

LMFAO at all the donks arguing that nobody is being vetted by goofy and then goofy (for at least the second time publicly) is just like freely admitting it.

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I don’t see what the problem is if tptb over there want to vet who’s allowed into their club. Seems pretty reasonable.

I mean they are free to ban their lurkers too. I never said they couldn’t.