New Moderator Confirmation Votes

with your and this community help we can make this dream a reality

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I’m the only pro-beetlejuice being filthy rich candidate on the ballot!




Those people are morons who should not be listened to.

I mean, the ignore function has been available since day one, it hasn’t solved anything. The admins begging people to stop hasn’t worked. What you’re proposing is the status quo except we call each other “owners” as if that means anything.

Who has he perma’d?

I have a feeling that we would heavily disagree about who has caused the most losses and will continue to cause the most losses in the future.

There’s a little something in there for everyone.

What we did was create a society, wrote no rules or laws, but then deputized a small group of people to punish members based solely on their personal opinion of “what is right”. We provided no way for a member to know what is a punishable offence, when they might be punished, for how long, or even in most cases why. We did this all in the context of a political forum which naturally creates already highly contentious debate and then we are surprised we haven’t succeeded in creating a utopia.

The solution is one of two things.

  1. we simply accept that fights will happen but they are only posts on a small meaningless forum


  1. we do the work of developing a real set of rules and associated punishments for contravention.

The former sounds much easier for a forum of less than 100 regular posters.

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I think it’s only three days away, if the votes are there at least.

You can get a sneak preview on the Discord.


Will RM still be a mod when your service begins? If not, I’ll reconsider my vote… Again.

I believe his term expires July 1st. Are you advising I should wait until his term expires to act? I will not be banning Riverman. I haven’t been a fan of his modding, but I don’t think he needs to leave as a poster.

No no no, its a trolley problem, not a trolly problem.


Approval tracker trending down.

If anything it shows lack of bias in my decision making on this topic.

And lack of judgement imo.



The memes have been good.

That is all.


You can’t anymore LMFAO. What’s posted on Discord stays on Discord!

The person who setup the discord went through and removed inactive accounts. The only accounts removed were people who had been there for months and never posted a single message or hadn’t posted there in 6+ months.

If someone who wanted to be an active participant there was removed, they are welcome to reach out to ask about being admitted again, but ultimately the discord is for active members who want to contribute in a positive way there.

I’m wondering why you’re upset about this?