New Moderator Confirmation Votes

we’re running well under our number of sklansky bans anyway, meb will balance it out

Correct. It’s a small number and only if their absence is in the best interest of the forum. I did not ask for this task, but I will do it for the good of the community as a whole.

It’s pretty odd who is voting against me given a couple years ago I would have been perceived to be “on that team” and I have committed to only being a clean up crew and never banning or silencing anyone.



You need to solemnly swear to only ban the proper people, or tag you’re a Captain!

Don’t be Jelly of Econophiles 99 percent.

Same. I don’t see how he’s on either “team” and my vote was marginal. Could have gone either way.

You promise not to ban for kink shaming?


I urge the second in command to send the votes back to the states.


I think you have succinctly summarized the issue.


I voted yes for Clovis, and as he said, he was on your team.

I was talking about you clowns that voted no.

No team, you’re on a team!


Clovis is, like most of us, a weirdo, but will probably be fine as a mod. And if not, more :popcorn: for us!


It sure doesn’t! For example, I wouldn’t program a robot to steal from people who fat finger their transactions.

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I was disappointed with Clovis’s zero bans policy but I voted yes anyway, he seems like a pretty reasonable guy otherwise.

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yeah clovis obviously doesn’t know what makes a forum great

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The number of people I would ban would be very small, we are talking a handful or less. They do not fall uniformly along any divide where anyone could say I was taking a side or on a team. I do not think of them as “in good standing”.


What other mod will bring you this level of joy UP?

Make Our Fun Unstuck Caring and Kind Again!



I stand before you today a nominee to be moderator of this forum. It’s a job I didn’t ask for, but when asked to serve I said yes. I said yes to make this forum better and to see it live up to the dream of all that it is capable.

We are a deeply divided forum, and we have been for far too long. A forum where some choose to endlessly pick fights with each other. Some out of a desire to cause destruction and chaos in this forum, and others out of an inability to ever let an argument die. While others stand on the sidelines, wishing they could come here just for fun and the community they envisioned when we first set off here.

Some of our brothers and sisters have left this community far too soon. Sacrifices of the great battle that we’ve all witnessed.

So I’m here to ask you today, can we be better than this?

Can we choose a path that allows the decisions to be made that need to be made to put an end to this squabbling?

Can we simply be better?

UP, I want you to believe that we can do these things and take on any more challenges to come!

UP, I want you to have hope that the change this forum needs is on the way!

UP, when you are asked if we we can be the best damn politics forum around, I want to hear you say Yes we can!


meb real talk I’ve bounced back and forth on you fifty times but I think issuing the kind of bans you’re talking about would result in weeks of drama and it’d have to be a hard no for me on that.

if we can somehow agree on a lengthy ban process, which we have not (requires 60% to overturn by community afaict but with people voting on several gimmicks at a time I’ve absolutely lost faith in these polls) and the existing process or whatever causes weeks of issues too.