New Moderator Confirmation Votes

BRB - need to change my vote.

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My only question is, who will be the mike pence to save us from the jaws of tyranny?


Well, I think I nominated all of the other mods, so it could be anyone!

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Used quite sporadically imo

You had a great lifestyle before!




Hello Victor,

I would note two things:

  1. I have voted against Meb. I do not think we should elect a moderator who has indicated he will hand out 10 year bans to posters that annoy him. Your “anti-ban” captain friends have not; and
  2. I get banned a lot as well so your comment about how I’ll “never be banned” is pretty demonstrably false.



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I just assumed that was a joke at the expense of @Riverman and his absurd six month ban of churchill.

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I heard it was actually sixty months.

Voted no on Yuv because he is currently involved in an on going feud. I believe making him a mod right now would add fuel to the fire and I prefer mods to be more neutral in the situations that will certainly arise.

Also voted no on meb because I don’t know how serious he is about handing out 10 year bans even if it just to prove a point. I’d rather not have that drama.

I’d gladly vote yes for both under different circumstances.


I am 100% serious. It is not to prove a point but to better the forum. It will actually reduce drama.

I want to be incredibly clear that if I am made a mod, every action I take will be an attempt to do what is in the best interest of the forum. That process will start with a small number of 10 year bans being issued. These will not be vindictive, but simply done in a way where the forum will be made better by the absence of this small number of posters until 2032 or until we get everything sorted out. Whichever comes first.

I want this forum to have the vibe of being a fun community online where you can come to hangout, catch-up on the latest news, chat about sports, bangers, politics and other topics of the day. Every action I take will be in the interest of furthering that community.

I came here from the former site, literally only for the reason that I enjoyed most of the posters that make up this community. If you vote me in, my goal is to Make UP Fun Again! MUPFA! Hmm that doesn’t really work as an acronym does it?

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Love the dedication to the bit. Like you said, keep it fun!

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will any nominees commit now to a web3 revolution for UP including token airdrops?

a guy just dipped out permanently for half a tubby cat. there’s money on here and if you don’t want to remake the website and embrace the future you’re not gonna get my vote.


I believe we were talking about doing this with Riverman DAO. If you want a pro web3 mod, I am the most pro web3 mod you’ll ever have!

tired of permanently banned posters coming back under alts? WEB3. issue nfts as access cards to the most exclusive politics messageboard online. only top tier posting talent allowed. invite only via community vote! and who gets to vote? and how many votes do they get? you’re gonna love it



Make Our Fun Unstuck Caring and Kind Again



You’re hired as my campaign director!

(post deleted by author)


beetleGoat :heart_eyes: