New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack

No, he requested a name change because of doxxing fears. That is completely different than asking that the account be anonymized and banned, and I know you know this.

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I requested a 2 week ban followed by a perma, per our cooldown rules, and then I never followed through and asked for the perma after the cooldown period ended. Your arguments are weak as shit.

Well I’m just going by what I see above, in which you asked for “two weeks followed by a perma as well”, not “two weeks to give me a chance to stop raging”.

I’ve repeatedly said cuse is fine and the full version is not, which was just used recently so since I’m not a mod yet I’m going to flag that and ask them to edit it to say cuse.

My specific concerns were addressed in detail when it came up, the issue has been resolved, and I am going to decline your attempt to start arguing about it.

This is actually incredibly consistent, wookie also had 120 voters last time he was up and received 79 Yes votes.

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Sorry for interrupting when my name came up, carry on. Also please refrain from name calling and personal insults such as “dumb dumb.”

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This appears to me to be a personal attack.

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Is it ok to refer to you by your nom de plume “fuckyoubanme”, respecting your doxxing fears?

Well I’m not a mod yet so I have no role in setting moderation policy yet, as a result that’s not really up to me.

Huh? My post was a response to simp’s post here:

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. I still think the rotating mods idea was a good one to reduce the vitriol directed at any particular mod and spread around the effort associated with being a mod.

In this specific instance, I voted against several candidates because I do not think it is in the best interest of the forum to make them essentially permanent mods. I don’t think I’d vote for them even if they were rotating mods tbh, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think the rotating mods was a good idea.

Do mods set the moderation policy now?


He obviously thinks that not having his real name or the full cr name so that you won’t get hits from searching for those is sufficient protection.


Sounds like an excellent system.

We should have clear rules established on voter eligibility before the next mod election?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Who is eligible to vote in this?

He didn’t see it for obvious reasons.

You think he hasn’t poured over that thread since? ok

We will figure it out, but it if we don’t get clear rules, I predict we will default to mods getting to decide which votes count.