New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

Yes, if that dickery involves making a post creepily referencing a poster’s personal life, a previous username if they have asked people not to post it, or their real name.


Are you aware of how this looks?

Are you happy if other mods also ban people when they think they’re being “dicks”?

You wanna stop JAQing off and just admit you demand the right to be able to reference the French Laundry any time you reply to MrWookie, or jman’s job any time you refer to him, or any of the other dickish things referencing people’s personal lives you like to do here?

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volunteer status doesn’t give anyone immunity from criticism. when someone accepts the sort of role where they’re effectively policing a community, they have a greater responsibility to be fair and transparent.

banning references to Barbara Streisand, when she has an active blog (with all manner of personal info voluntarily shared btw) on a website we’re all very familiar with, isn’t doing this forum any good


No one’s “JAQing” off. Your pal and mentor wookie wrote extensively about French Laundry on this site.

If you want to make some of your pals’ posts off limits wrt people citing them, maybe put a warning up in advance in the form of a mod note advising us that they are untouchable, and sticky it so everyone can make their own minds up about who the dicks are.

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Not a great analogy.

Oh well then of course he’s fair game to harass at every turn, he was asking for it!

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yes it is

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That seems fair and I’m not even sure this has happened recently.

But the request isn’t that - it’s to not mention anyone’s previous s/n they’ve ever used before in the entire history of the internet, and to stress how vitally important this is you even banned one user for a week.

this seems fine, but it’s not what’s stated at the top of this thread rn

and it’s not what Keed was banned for, as best as I can tell

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What do you think Keeed was banned for?

otatop is a hyper creep.

lol “volunteer service”. Every action you take makes this site worse. Remember the months we had with zero drama and zero bans? It’s a vicious cycle.

No one was doxxed. Quit giving Barbera special treatment.

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for using a poster’s old username? it certainly wasn’t for what AQ did (allegedly) in his profile. and it wasn’t for this:

again, as best as I can tell

It should be amazing that people haven’t realised yet that moderation is and has always been a prime cause of the problems on this site, but it’s not amazing because a lot of people are either proud non readers or are happy bootlicking power.

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uhhh. seems pretty clear from this post by Otatop what the offense was.

I think they’re talking about keed, not AQ

you might be right, if so, my mistake.

Damn these moderators stopping us from being raging assholes to people, they’re the problem!!


People are sometimes raging assholes when having conversations. You don’t have to be the hall monitor, and it certainly isn’t for the good of the site that you stick your nose in. You said yourself you are acting against the will of the community (“this isn’t a democracy”).

Just admit you love exerting power over people without their consent. Hyper creep indeed.


we back baby lezzgo


iron81 is exempt from this policy.

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