New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

Lotta bother to go around in this world at all times

Your grievance can exist there also

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Nice avatar @Rivaldo



Reppin the mulleted examples in time spending


Thank god soccer is on in 5 minutes

I’ve been watching Apocalypse now on repeat and stoned and grumpy

Gym later, God willing

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The mod banned Jal for reminding a poster where that poaster already posted where he’s from? That’s doxxing these days? Harsh. Please don’t doxx which country I am from; I have political ambitions in the US (easy grift)


Let’s have a great Saturday, u maniacs!

What’s good? I gotta mow. At least it cooled off

And I hot a compliment from my amiga at the Chinese buffet lmao :heart_eyes:


It’s not doxxing, it’s

Searching the site for references to “where that poaster already posted where he’s from” only got 3 hits and none of them were from MrWookie.

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optatop is a hypercreep, meddling in everyone’s conversations. Imagine this clown at the pub.

The reminding line is great. People can just say any dumb thing huh?

Annoying ■■■■■ get 86’d all the time, this is the only “pub” where we have to just let ■■■■■ hang out forever and hack-a-Shaq penalties so that no one runs to their fainting couch.


Yes, 86’d for violence, sexual assault, and so on. lol at evicting someone for mentioning where someone mentioned they live.

Hall monitor wanker.

Uh oh, looks like we’ve got a proud non reader on our hands

I didn’t see any results on SPE or 2+2 either but sure, I’m the hypercreep.

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Please to be posting your address

Honestly, who cares?

No one’s gonna do anything, and if you haven’t made a friend of the possibility yet? Krakow Geto Kurtz

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We don’t, actually.

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Did you post your address?

Oh ok, so I can get an apology from @spidercrab for insisting I doxxed people while knowing that any reasonable who saw what was posted would never sincerely call it doxxing

And another apology for him doubling down to say “no really I promise you it was doxxing” while mischaracterizing what was posted, knowing that nobody can show what was posted since it is now hilariously, in bad faith, against the rules to post it

MrWookie is still so big mad about not being moderator here that he has gone back to delete the references he’s posted at UP to the name of the suburb he lives in, in order to get people to believe doxxing happens here. And then demands addresses to be posted, again, to get people to believe doxxing happens here. To believe addresses get posted.

He didn’t

Because you were posting puns of commonWealth’s real name and directions to find grue’s real name and it was obviously intended to harass, abuse, or invade their privacy.

That’s not what that means.

That literally means that we can’t make a forum that actively plans to kill the president or some shit.

It doesn’t mean that everybody has to be nice to everybody on the forum, and how on earth could you all have interpreted it as such?