New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned


iron81 is exempt from this policy.

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No moderator has been stopping you.

So again, what was keed banned for a week for? Do you even know?

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he might ask you to guess. Here’s mine again

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If only there were some sort of log where things like this are posted

To save you the scroll up

I wasn’t asking you to guess, I was genuinely confused about what point you were making.

Prohibiting people from using poster’s original/former screen names is ridiculous. I’m not getting involved in this stuff anymore beyond saying that because it is not good for my mental health.

We have been doing pretty good the last few months with very little moderation. Yes some more serious things (like doxxing) should be moderated. Outside of that, who cares.


Calling people fascists pigs for getting banned in an online forum is hilarious.
Dude has issues.

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We haven’t been doing well. A group of people left or greatly limited their participation due to the targeting of the people allowed to do whatever they want here. Basically people were bullied off, and it’s weird for you to comment on something you clearly know nothing about.

Literally the moment some sort of basic decency standard is introduced, the same people lose their damn minds. They’re furious that they can’t continue to bully CW in the way they have the past few years… and he doesn’t even fucking post here anymore. That’s what you’re siding with. Fuck make it one specific person they can’t post their old name or screen name and they’d still be furious.

I get that you’re not aware of this stuff but come on.

you literally asked,

What do you think Keeed was banned for?

but if you’re genuinely confused as to the bigger point, I’ll spell it out for you.

Your policy in the op, here

is inconsistent with your clarification here

and so the explanation for why you banned keed doesn’t make sense either


The mod who would be god cares.

Just for conversation’s sake…

…Say we were regulars at a bar or pub or members of a social club or something, for what would be almost literally decades at this point.

And then, one day, a portion of the regular members came in wearing Groucho Marx disguises. And not the cheap Halloween store ones but some seriously fancy getups. You couldn’t tell who they were by appearance at all and nobody was allowed to ask who they were pre-Groucho nor frame their relationships with who they were pre-Groucho even if the Grouchos revealed who they were directly and/or indirectly.

You were not allowed to say, “That’s Bob, remember, they guy who said and did __?” You would be told to address them as “Groucho #x”.

So, the conversation topic is:

We’re saying that the Groucho side is the not creepy side in this affair. Do I have that right?


Maybe y’all shouldn’t have gone on a year long campaign to try to fuck with someone’s real life and we wouldn’t have to have these rules?

The point (one of a few) is that one can make and get away with making any and all sort of rules and guidelines, no matter how ridiculous they seem, as long as they don’t fucking moralize about it.

And if that sounds unappealing, that it omits the best part, one should really wonder and reconsider what the actual point of the rules are. A rule is just a fucking rule, to achieve a goal; it’s not a replacement and upgrade for an argument detailing why one’s position is morally and logically correct.

Btw rule 5 on NMNM:

You may not use the forum to disclose information that you don’t have the right to disclose, like others’ confidential or personal information.

Funny how that works

Details on how someone’s real life was fucked with? Admittedly have not kept up with the drama much lately.

This is what aq was banned for

keed’s infarction remains nebulous

The fact that this creature is not snap-banned for posts like these says quite a lot about what the point of this forum is. And that’s fine. What would lead to a better understanding is knowing that many people didn’t sign up for a literacy support group or any sort of support group nor expected one to be sprung upon them.

Did you miss all the posts I directed towards you yesterday? I could link them and you could occupy your time whilst other people are having a grown-up discussion.

There. Get somebody to help you if needed. This forum, UP, is now almost officially a support group for you and people like you, and the tabled discussion is simply clarifying that point.

He is making it up. Whether intentionally or not is unclear, and this isn’t the best venue to explore an a concept like that.

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I mean yeah. I have to voluntarily click to read your posts. I stopped about here fwiw. I’m sure you styled hard