Log of Key Moderator Actions

And another one for the same reason.

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6ix gets a day for the following two posts directed a poster who had an acquaintance die.

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A bit longer this time.

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Permanently banned @Einstein2 for having no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.

Please don’t use Unstuck to carry on feuds from 2+2, Slow Pony Express, or No Mods No Masters.

AQ gets a week for doxxing. He had the real name of a poster in his bio - explicitly to dox them. Debating doing more as this is one rule I think does need to be harshly enforced. It’s one thing to disagree and hate people online, it’s a huge step to take it to the next level and try to have real world implications.


@SenorKeeed gets a week off for violating the new moderation policy.

Overturned by update to forum filter.

Reduced @kedreading’s trust level to 0 for this PM

@6ix gets a week off for violating the new moderation policy.

Next time is permanent.

@cassette gets a week off for violating the new moderation policy.
I deleted the thread hinting at cuse’s initials.

Next time is permanent.

Deleted jumbiawe for being a spam bot that posts ads (only 4 posts and two were non-content and two were ads).

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I guess this is a moderator action, rather than an admin action:

Perma-banned user @wigslice, a new account with no posting history that sent an arguably threatening*** PM to another regular user.

***The PM was “Are you XXXX YYYYYY?”, where XXXX YYYYYY was the user’s real name. Yes, you can think of a remote scenario where this is an innocent message (Hey, it’s a former friend from high school just looking to reconnect!), but I don’t think that’s plausible. More importantly, the recipient viewed it as threatening.

Please stop the bullshit with personal information.


jal gets a week off for violating the personal information policy for referencing personal information that was in no way pertinent to the on-going discussion. The relevant personal information has been deleted.

Per the policy, a repeat offense will be a perma-ban.


A week this time.


The ban has been extended to 3023. You have been blessed.


Strike two, bye.


Both permanently banned for second offense, specifically referencing someone’s religion for no reason other than personal attack.


Two months this time.

Jmakin banned for a week for harassing mods in pms


Banned Jmakin for a year because we might need him in time for the 2024 Elections.


Two weeks for watevs for an over the top personal attack in Israel thread.