New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

give unto Caesar seems easy

but it’s not

healing sounds good

“hey I think this brand new high volume poster might be RAIDS”


the decades-old tradition of calling people by former names is tiresome. Was on other forums, is here. I think I support this rule

I think you’re being a little disrespectful about a very well thought out moderation policy that was discussed by the forum members at great length before being approved prior to this announcement.

The fact that these are earnest posts and not, you know, hey maybe we should ban those people again could not be more Unstuck Politics. Vigorous debate and a little fun.

I updated the wording to clarify my intention with the rule

Starting today if you make a post creepily referencing a poster’s personal life, a previous username if they have asked people not to post it, or their real name you will be banned for one week.

This isn’t a democracy and I’m tired of pretending it is to satisfy a handful of users.


Some common sense changes to protect privacy, make people feel more included, and prevent bullying?

Seems like a good idea. Long overdue frankly


It wasn’t very hard to put that poster on ignore. Other people still engage with this poster so who am I to deny them that.

Honestly been the main problem with this place for almost three years now

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Serious question but feel free to not reply considering I don’t much post or lurk much here anymore:

Which word is doing the heavy lifting there? “Creepily”? “Personal”?

Aw sheeit sorry I grunched.


Have we considered the good idea of teaching a never-too-late-to-learn lesson to a group of educated adults that they don’t and won’t always get what they want?

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Barbara Streisand run amok itt

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Swear to God I’m not even joking with that one. It’s fascinating to consider that the other option wasn’t even considered.

but give unto God does not

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How is this dude still unsatisfied after today’s events?

Does this policy apply to behavior in other places online or are people free to move their silly virtual slapfights to other forums, twitter, etc.?

I oppose provoking people on the Internet anywhere but for the most part I can only enforce what happens here.


also, I hereby declare that no one can refer to me by Victor or any internet style spelling.

thank you for your service.


Oh snap you showed em!