National Basketball Association - 2023/24 Season

The west seeds 4-11 are absolutely crazy right now. All over .500 and any one of six teams could miss the play in, while the four and five seeds are up for grabs.

The mavs took a lead on the coveted six seed by beating the kings by 36 last night but the two teams play again on Friday. The hottest team in the west atm are the rockets who are the 11th seed but could make the playin and push out a team like golden state or the lakers.

Can’t wait for the playoffs, but they have kind of started. Lots of games heads up with the teams fighting for the playin and better seeds.


Wizards will be staying in DC. Can’t wait to run the numbers and see how much the city is coughing up per win.

West 11 seed should cross over and bump the Bulls or Hawks. No one wants to see either of those two teams play more basketball anyway.

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The rockets are one game away from longest win streak of any team this year and currently outside. Everyone won last night that I wanted to lose.

Scoot last night with the -58 for the game! A new record! Come on man, in this year of amazing rookies we got this poor shooting bum who needs to improve in every way except “looking like a free safety.”

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But how much did he block?

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He now has two of the four worst plus minuses ever.

I think he had 2 blocks. My recall is it wasn’t high for him.

That was my ‘but how much did you lose’ joke


I still cant figure out what hes suppose to be good at

Nice bigass travel.

I came to post and ask where online can I watch a game tonight? The Phillies game 7:30 ET.
My 14yo is there w his mother (she doesn’t care; just being a good mom), But it’d be fun for me to watch and text him occasionally during the game.

Do I register & sign up for some expensive bullshit and then cancel? Or can I throw a few bucks for a one off?

If you are in Philadelphia market, it’ll be blacked out, but if you are not in Philly, it looks like has a 7-day free trial that should work.

You almost became my new favourite poster…!
Until I saw the baseball. :grin:
I meant NBA. Sorry.
[You’re still great for responding quicky]

Oh, lol, I don’t know how to watch Phillies in the NBA, sorry. NBA League Pass may also have a free trial. Same blackout consideration applies.

Quad dub watch in Denver.