National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Like sure they’ll paint BLM on their courts and stand arm in arm with the players, but they voted Trump in 16, they voted Trump in 20, and they’ll be voting Trump in 24 if he’s the GOP nominee.

The athletic did a list like a month ago as well, but didn’t read it.

Being an Arsenal fan I know Kroenke sucks, but donating to the Clinton campaign then the Trump inauguration strikes me as just choosing every horse.

That list isn’t entirely correct. I skipped to the Milwaukee teams and the donations that it says are for Republican PACs are really for Democratic groups.

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They’ll probably draft another Giannis bro.

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Fertitta is a complete MAGA scumbag. Destroyed the team in less than a year. Sucky year, not sure if I’m a Rockets or Astros fan anymore.

Trump’s Swamp: Taxes Trace Payments to Properties by Those Who Got Ahead - The New York Times search Fertitta.

He also tried to get PPP loans for his mega business. Just a loser.

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I love that they’re going the Spurs route and we’re getting to see them as an aging team.

I assume they’re going to similarly be able to retool over the years; Wiggins is your Richard Jefferson phase.

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I don’t mind the dubs outside of Dray, but I think I’m following Morey goat to the sixers.

Lost the locker room, lost the fans, lost the reddit:

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What are they risking? Oubre’s ceiling isn’t high and his contract ends at the end of the season. You gonna have to pay him or lose him anyway. Cam Johnson looked great in his role during the 8-0 bubble run (Oubre didn’t play in the bubble).
They still have the 10th pick for this year’s draft.

Booker is going into his 6th season. He’s clearly not gonna sign another contract there if they keep losing. But they are also too good to lose enough games to get another high draft pick.

They get to run Booker with one of the best PG’s in history that was still incredible last year. They have two years that Paul can make Ayton a far better player. You have some Western conference semi-final upside with even some 2020 Heat type run.

They are risking nothing except a single 1st round pick to give see if their two core pieces are actually worth building on. I think it’s a brilliant trade in their situation.


Booker is signed for 4 more years, so I don’t think they have to be in a huge rush to show him they can compete. Also, does it really help them keep Booker if Paul bolts after two years where they get bounced in the first/second round? He’d still have two years left to see how good they are post CP3.

The Suns are giving up their cap space next year (and about $10 million this year). They would have had a max slot next year and I think the chance to play with Booker and Ayton might have been enticing enough to get a decent guy whose peak matches better.

I also disagree about CP3 as a tutor to help develop Booker, I’d rather have Rubio as the guy to help develop as he’s completely unselfish and I’ve never heard anything other than teammates loving him, while CP3 seems to rub people wrong every where he goes (although last year he seemed ok).

So they’ll have that spot in 2022. There isn’t anyone better in the market than CP3 right now. That’s my point about it not being a real risk. They gave up basically nothing for it.

Is 2021 FA class barren as well? I guess if everyone opts in there won’t be much other than Oladipo, old guys like Lowry and Conley, and then restricted guys.


Off the top of my head, Celtics, Bucks, and Clippers have owners with track records of donating to Democrats.

I don’t know if we’ll ever turn these picks into real players, but watching Presti trade-r*pe everyone is hilarious. A 1 and 2 for a washed Danny Green? Wtf.

what? you took Horford 70M for 3 years. That is the most one sided trade of the free agency and it’s not your side that winning.

It’s a good trade for Philly because they get off a huge contract for a player who doesn’t fit. There’s an argument that Presti should have gotten at least two firsts for that, so the trade is valuing Green as if he is worth a first as a rental. And it gives them more flexibility to use the taxpayer MLE.

Lol. OKC has to pay someone. Remember when CP3’s contract was a “toxic asset”. Oh weird they just turned that into a first. Russ’ contract was toxic? Gonna end up being 4 1sts.

The second rounder is pick 34. Not much of a difference between that and a late first.

I’ll take Morey over yours bruv. Solid argument.

Presti was awesome from 2008 to 2012, terrible from 2013-2018 and now awesome again.