National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

lol ‘fuck man, thank you guys’. Up there with the Gettysburg address.


Lol was dude next to Jay-Z wearing a gold silk full-body Nehru jacket pantsuit?

“…one small step for, fuck, man…”

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Lol Drake

you should never follow snoop dogg

Anything happening in the world of basketball today?

Down 6 with 20 seconds, Russ gets a quick deuce. Down 6 with 12 seconds, Russ gets a…quick deuce.

I get it, there might have been no footage of this shot if it wasn’t for every single person in attendance

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Also thomas bryant really redefining optimism there

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Real shit part about a lot of live sporting events and concerts now.

You pay good money, and when the good shit is happening 80% of the people are just watching it through a phone screen for a video they’ll never watch again in their lives.

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Phil Knight (Nike founder) sitting next to Bronny on courtside is the only person without his phone out. I guess at about 50 billion net worth you are allowed to watch it with your eyes

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You’ve never sat in the cheap seats so far from the action that you’re often just watching the huge video screen?

Not a dry eye in the arena. Especially emotional to see Anthony Davis’ reaction to his teammates achievement


LOL at dude calling for the ball in the post like he’s ever passing that shit


Nba replay . Net

AD was upset he wasn’t in the game when Lebron broke the record so he just pouted on the bench. Kind of weird ham wouldn’t let him be in the game.

For numerologists out there:


Kareem’s record was 38,387