National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Called in the NFL refs for tonight.

What was with Jeannie Buss’ hands all over DWade?

Really? Are cavs fans still bitter after he came back and got you a championship?

Negative. Harlan is all about Harlan. This game needs to breathe. Let the crowd noise flow.

Breaking the record and the lakers losing by double figures at home to the thunder would be a great summary of lebrons last two years


If your wife, the love of your life, left you once for a wealthier, more attractive man, but then came back and gave you the most glorious years of your life, only to leave you yet again for a still wealthier and more attractive man, would you have nothing but feelings of love and gratitude toward her until you die? Or would you have a mixture of feelings?

This is how most Cavs fans feel. It’s complicated.

Feeling Giddey tonight.

Kinda feels dumb celebrating this when Cam Thomas is gonna break his record in like 8 months

(just kidding though i am somewhat genuinely excited for it. didn’t really think i’d get to see kareem’s record broken)

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This and Ovechkin breaking Gretzyk’s goal record are two that will be broken that seemed impossible.

surprisingly he also managed to break the record for least fucks given about defense today

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Umm sir, we have a game to play.

Broke it via Da Dirk.

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How come all those international crowds can sing the intricate melody of Seven Nation Army and the only thing dolt Mericans can do is chant M-V-P

i mean, i get this.

but like, there sure is a game going on lmao.

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The game within the game!