National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

hope he ain’t feelin’ breaking it in okc, had to drive my girl to the airport at 430am this morning, i ain’t gonna make it to the second half 😮‍💨

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I got him breaking it tonight

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yeah me too. assuming they’re winning, he’s gunning in the fourth quarter. better to do it in a win than as giannis beats you by 30.

oh well. hopefully somebody records it so i can hope to catch a highlight sometime…

So they’ll stop the game for some kind of ceremony right? I think they did for Kareem.

Cam Thomas>kyrie


Five days ago I’d never heard of Cam Thomas and now he’s putting up automatic 40-point games. What the hell is happening?

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That Kevin Harlan call, “There he is with the sledgehammer!”


AC Green sighting. Apparently I was at his last college game but I don’t remember it.

Jokic with 19/10/10 in the 1h what the fuck

LeGOAT dropping 22 ft sky hooks in warmups.

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Comes full circle from draft night.



and a thbrick from deep!


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Would love nothing more than for OKC to triple team Lebron all night and deny him the record at home out of spite.

–Signed, still-bitter Cavs fan.

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Lakers are still at home next game.

If we can make it through tonight, we’ll get Ja Morant’s crew to take care of him before next game.

Tired: MVP chant
Wired: GOAT chant

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Needed Harlan on this game. This is very Jeb! low energy vibes for such a potentially historical situation. Or take Gus on a one-game loan to do it.

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