National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

GPII to Portland, I like it

That’s a great story though. Dude was willing to do some menial job for the Warriors. Gets on the roster. Ends up with FU money.

Raptors getting KD is probably the scariest option as a warriors fan. Them and the Pelicans.

Noooooooooooooooooooo WTF… He was so vital to our run, I’m kinda shook. I guess Lacob trying to lower his tax bill. Can’t blame him considering for every $1 in salary we pay $7 in tax lol.

So fucking bummed.

Think you could only offer him like 1 or 2 mill.

As a nominal Raps “Fan” I don’t want them trading Barnes for KD. KD would pout and not be happy, you get decent ring equity for 2 years but I’d just rather have ~8+ of Barnes.

I can see the logic behind this and it’s kind of damning to your choice of rankings. A big mark against Malone is that he had Stockton every single year of his career except the one season in LA. Malone was an extremely efficient scorer but with one of history’s great PGs feeding him the ball constantly. It’s really hard to separate Malone and Stockton’s individual achievements because they were really the perfect compliments to each others’ skillsets. Barkley’s value was more clearly created by himself, he played with different casts of characters over his career and was a force basically no matter who he played with. It’s tough call for sure.

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So is Miles Bridges getting more or less than Deshaun Watson suspension?

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It kind of jarring to see the photo of young, thin Barkley. The only Barkley I’ve seen in the last 20yrs is old, fat Barkley.

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Miles Bridges needs an indefinite ban and to go on trial. Jesus Christ.

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Nah we had his bird rights and could offer him up to 10 mil a year. Makes it hurt extra we let him walk when we could’ve kept him. But 3/30 would’ve cost us like 200 million overall lol

He was called “the round mound of rebound”, so the photo must be from a short time when he was thin.

He was 285 pounds coming out of Auburn. The scout asked “who’s that fat guy playing like the wind?”

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Just read the thing from Miles Bridges wife. Holy shit, 10 years ago this would’ve been swept under the rug but I’m pretty confident at a minimum he’s suspended for a couple years. Hopefully banned indefinitely.

What a scumbag.

I’ll be surprised if he ever plays a game in the nba again.

It’s a particularly awful situation because she’s so strongly incentivized to stay silent exactly because reporting it to the police will end up costing her family tens of millions of dollars. “Particularly awful” might not be the right phrase because it’s probably not better to be a poor victim of domestic abuse. Maybe uniquely awful instead.

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ANT might be my 2nd favorite MN athlete behind Moss^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1542925547168317442|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

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I don’t watch anything besides playoffs. Is Brodgon is still good? If so, this seems like a great trade for BOS.