National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

That’s the problem with these lists. It’s not exactly a list of most skillful. It’s greatest. And “greatest” always has some component of rangz.

I think peak Karl was better than peak Moses too (but as I said above, I barely remember Moses, so I might be wrong in that assessment). But he had the misfortune of being up against the Bulls juggernaut and he couldn’t even get the consolation ring with the Lakers. Zero rangz causes your greatness ranking to plummet.

I’ve brought up K. Malone as a top 10-15ish player before and I’m always met with a mixture of amusement and ridicule.

Also, as far I am aware, he is a huge piece of shit as a human being, so I’m not too broken up by his (expected) underappreciation.

Peak Moses was definitely better than peak Karl imo. Karl was never the best player in the league, his two MVPs were fraudulent, and he was rarely a top 5 player in the league. Overrated career stats compiler.

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Same things are true about your #11 except only one fraudulent MVP.

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The mailman will be seen in the top 25

He was also a child rapist so he can eat shit regardless and should be removed from NBA history

He was? I knew he was a piece of shit, but had never heard that part.

Is Kobe style a good way to deal with NBA rapists?

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After seeing how he was portrayed in “Winning Time” I still can’t help but laugh a little when I see Jerry West


When I heard he was suing them I assumed it was some minor boomer-grievance, but then I saw the show and Jerry West being just the absolute worst in all ways is a major part of it. Pretty hilarious.

He was my dad’s favorite player. He hasn’t seen the show yet, would like to hear his take.

I’d rank Moses #444.


Whats fucking hilarious is dude is probably the most talented front office guy ever. Built the showtime lakers, helped built the GSW core iirc. They were going to trade Klay for Love and West stopped them.

I believe he’s been helping the clippers which are gnarly as fuck if healthy.

But the laker owners ran him out of town over some petty grievance bullshit. Like considering how massively huge the lakers market is, it’s hilarious that it’s run like a nepotism family business since Buss died.

Honestly who knows how many more chips they have if they kept west. Blessed he helped out the warriors though. Wish he came back after we canned Jackson.

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Not appearing anywhere near this list, but this guy sure was fun to watch in his prime. We need a modern version of him.

Hot Take: He was a precursor to Steph

I’ve always said that he wasn’t the shooter Steph was (obv) but he was the first pg I saw that would routinely pull up for three in transition

They both have that flair and indifference to turnovers. Hubie in Memphis really restrained WC and took away a lot of his game w/ regards to that, he’d still pull at will tho.

Look at his career 3PAr (% of FGA that are 3PA)
WC: .491
Steph: .502

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It was so magical his rookie year when every other night it was him and/or Vince doing amazing things visually.

I think Giannis has a good shot to eclipse Dirk as greatest euro oat. And has an outside shot at cracking the top ten of this list eventually. He’s close to being a hall of famer if he retires tomorrow at 27.

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Luka too

Could realistically end up as the all-time leading scorer

He’s already at about half of Bron’s career triple doubles

Maybe. His first four seasons are way better than Giannis’ first four. But I think big men age in the league better than guards. Yeah Luka is a big boy but I’m not sure if his game will hold up in his early 30s. I don’t know. You wouldn’t think Curry could play the way he has in his mid thirties either, maybe PEDs are getting really really good.

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Yeah, his fitness makes him a dog to age unbelievably great unless he really commits to it. He does already have an old man game similar to Bron’s current version tho.

Otoh, Giannis’s game could struggle a bit as he ages with it being lopsidedly reliant on athleticism. I’m saying they could both end up better than Dirk tho, not necessarily that Luka will end up ahead of Giannis.

Specific to meb’s current list, I’d have KG ahead of Dirk fwiw. They’re close historically but KG is so much better on offense than Dirk is at D, and defense is much more valuable as you scale up positionally.