National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Or he just bristles at being on shitty teams, only time will tell. He did not become a regular until 2019, and since then only played for the rockets and pistons. He played 8 games with strip club harden when harden was trying to get out of Houston.

Whatever he is he is an upgrade for Dallas while only giving up the 26th pick and four non rotation players.

Wood is a terrible defender and a player who needs a lot of usage to be effective on offense. Would be very hard to play him with luka for long periods during the playoffs. If heā€™ll be willing to take on a cousins-type backup role heā€™d have a decent career. If not heā€™s gonna be a tanking team players.

Woods contract ends 6 months after the trade is up. So Mavs basically just traded for the option to extend him for 4/77. Rockets didnā€™t want to pay him, thereā€™s also a decent chance he turns it down and becomes a free agent anyways because hes worth more than that.

Thatā€™s why they didnā€™t get anything for him.

Thomas commenting on the Robert Williams situation. Man I hope itā€™s not a similar thing where the medical staff is being misleading about the long term risks, and Robert Williams ends up fucking his career like Thomas did. If you donā€™t know the Story about Isaiah Thomas and the Celtics, itā€™s pretty fucked up.

The only real question is will the rockets unleash boban

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Huh, no Scott Foster for game 6. Instead itā€™s Zach Zarba. On one hand Celtics are 1-5 with him reffing, he was the ref for game 2, but on the other heā€™s fucking terrible and calls like 50 fouls a game.

No idea why people like him get such big assignments. Bias reffing aside, all his games are terrible because he calls fouls constantly. He will call 2 quick fouls on star players and just fuck up the whole game.

What a shitty opening

Boston canā€™t keep giving up off boards

Warriors starters going to foul out before half. Nba wants a game 7

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Warriors should stop fouling them

Only bet props today after a large GSW bet last game. Pretty important to be close after that early Boston surge.

Refs got their work cut out for them.

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Well that escalated quickly

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Warriors are 15-1 when dray hits a 3

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Lol this fucking shot by curry

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Dunno how the Warriors are hanging in there with all these fouls being called on them


Game Iā€™d far from over but Celtics look shook as fuck

This is the GSW that Iā€™ve been waiting for all series.

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I was assured the refs wouldnā€™t allow this to happen

Sounds like that was complete bullshit

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