National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

I know Celts will be favored and the refs will be actively rigging it for them, but fully expect GS to close it out Thursday. Celts win by either going unconscious from three a la G1 or by having the entire team contribute and play inspired, mistake free basketball as they did in G3.

But Tatum isn’t that guy, yet, to put the team on his back and carry them to a win. He’s awesome and I love him but he’s been a good player in this series, not the star the team needs.

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I’m happy for Klay but man I’ve become a Wiggins stan this series.


Problem for Tatum this series is that Wiggins is the same dude as him but 3 years physically more mature.

I wish I had taken a picture of it, but ~3 years ago my fiance had her gr3 or so class do some project on someone they admire or something and someone chose Wiggins. They drew a not bad for a 10 year old but also a very 10 year old drawing of him and it would be the perfect response rn.

Canada’s own!


Wiggins Finals MVP obviously.

Dude does not look like klay Thompson lol.

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Hope @StimAbuser is ok. Kinda worried that he didn’t post at all last night

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All in Hail Mary ? 540$ is an extremely odd amount to wager unless the prop has a payout ceiling which the to win amount doesn’t represent. Maybe it’s all the degen had left in his account.

Gary Payton was applying for a Video Coordinater for the Warriors before he signed a contract. He’s now been a key piece of a potential championship. What a story.


lol I’m fine. I was on vacation and watched the game on my phone. Don’t like posting from it.

Pick your poison. Don’t double/trap and get light up by the best offensive player of all time, double/trap and give everyone easy buckets.

Wiggins has easily been our 2nd best player this entire playoffs. Super happy for him and this team.


Game 6 Klay and Steph going to go off again. Going to be amazing

Wiggins would need a 50-point triple double in the clincher and Steph to get run over by a bus for that to happen. Even then, probably only 50-50.


Steph has led all scorers in 4/5 games. Wiggins doesn’t just need a monster clincher. He needs Steph to get hit by a bus before the next tip and then to go off for 30+ in a losing effort, and then 40+ in the clincher to have a shot. Steph might have a better shot at MVP in the case that the Warriors lose the series than Wiggins has right now.

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First one that has me shaking my head a little bit.

I like Duncan a lot, but have him 8th at best.

Warriors going to need to shoot lights out in game 6 to win and have a great defensive showing because Scott Foster going to come in and put on a master class in extending this series. Then game 7 anything can happen especially with the variance in shooting these days.

Will be interesting to see Celtics strategy in game 6. I feel like they would’ve won game 5 in they stayed with the same strategy of not giving Curry a ton of extra attention and focus on locking up the rest of the team. I think Steph was going to be off in game 5 regardless, but giving him all that extra attention allowed everyone else to go off for easy buckets.

Wood for basically the 26 pick of the draft? That seems like really low value.

Didn’t realize that he’s been a rotating center for a 1/4th of the league. Probably a red flag. Seems good for the Mavs if they can get it under control.

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